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GCN Magazine 251 Edizione posteriore

7 Recensioni   •  English   •   Men's Interest (Gay)
Welcome to the annual GCN Youth Issue, edited and written by members of BeLonG To and other youth groups across Ireland, and what a super one it’s turned out to be! We may have created our very own superheroes for this year’s cover, but as 18 year-old Aidan Knowles discovers there have been gays with superpowers populating the pages of comic books for the past 30 years. And what about the superheroes in real life? 21 year-old David Martin Forrester meets asks some young people who their role models are and why. We’re always being told that it’s easier for young people to come out nowadays, yet as 17 year-old Eimhin O’Reilly discovers, the experiences may be different but the journey out of the closet is the same as it ever was. Plus Shirley meets Tommy Steele, 78 but still a teen at heart, we preview the 20th Outlook Cork LGBT Film Festival and we look at the state of play for gays in the music industry. It’s a bumper one!
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251 Welcome to the annual GCN Youth Issue, edited and written by members of BeLonG To and other youth groups across Ireland, and what a super one it’s turned out to be! We may have created our very own superheroes for this year’s cover, but as 18 year-old Aidan Knowles discovers there have been gays with superpowers populating the pages of comic books for the past 30 years. And what about the superheroes in real life? 21 year-old David Martin Forrester meets asks some young people who their role models are and why. We’re always being told that it’s easier for young people to come out nowadays, yet as 17 year-old Eimhin O’Reilly discovers, the experiences may be different but the journey out of the closet is the same as it ever was. Plus Shirley meets Tommy Steele, 78 but still a teen at heart, we preview the 20th Outlook Cork LGBT Film Festival and we look at the state of play for gays in the music industry. It’s a bumper one!

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Issue Cover

GCN  |  251  

Welcome to the annual GCN Youth Issue, edited and written by members of BeLonG To and other youth groups across Ireland, and what a super one it’s turned out to be! We may have created our very own superheroes for this year’s cover, but as 18 year-old Aidan Knowles discovers there have been gays with superpowers populating the pages of comic books for the past 30 years. And what about the superheroes in real life? 21 year-old David Martin Forrester meets asks some young people who their role models are and why. We’re always being told that it’s easier for young people to come out nowadays, yet as 17 year-old Eimhin O’Reilly discovers, the experiences may be different but the journey out of the closet is the same as it ever was. Plus Shirley meets Tommy Steele, 78 but still a teen at heart, we preview the 20th Outlook Cork LGBT Film Festival and we look at the state of play for gays in the music industry. It’s a bumper one!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
GCN’s brand new custom tablet edition makes for a super-interactive reading experience on your tablet and our mobile-optimised view makes reading about gay Ireland on the go even easier, giving you a greater connection to Ireland’s inspirational, world-class gay magazine.

Since it was first published in 1988, GCN (Gay Community News) has been providing a uniquely Irish angle on LGBT culture, news, politics, entertainment, celebrity and lifestyle for a devoted readership. Published monthly, we have grown to become the most recognised and established gay magazine in Ireland, leading the way with top-rate journalism, fantastic production values and outstanding content.

For almost 30 years, we’ve stood firm as the best-known and best-loved publication for readers who value us for exactly what we are: a one-stop, absolutely essential resource, and the ultimate authority on everything that’s happening in gay Ireland and beyond, leading the way with intelligence, attitude and Irish wit. GCN is a beautiful, up-to-the-minute, queer magazine that is never afraid to pull punches. GCN never fails to get right to the heart of what’s important to LGBT people today, while serving up the best in lifestyle and celebrity content too.

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Basato su 7 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni


informative, current Recensito 26 luglio 2020

Always inspiring

Not just for Ireland Recensito 24 luglio 2019

Thoroughly good read

Great magazine for the Republic of Ireland Recensito 20 luglio 2019

Best of GCN offers!

It's a good magazine for the LGBT community! Recensito 20 settembre 2017

Highly interesting

Very detailed reviews of venues in Ireland Recensito 13 settembre 2017

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in GCN 251.