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HorseWyse Magazine Summer 2012 Edizione posteriore

2 Recensioni   •  English   •   Family & Home (Kids)
Only €11,99
HorseWyse Magazine's bumper, 72 page Summer issue explores the extraordinary relationship between horse and rider - with features covering training the young foal right through to how horse-human partnerships work at the elite level of equestrian sport. This issue of HW also features a War Horse on stage Collector's Poster, a 2013 horsey wall calendar and also includes a War Horse Stage Ticket giveaway! And did we mention our Tania Kenaghan Greatest Hits DVD/CD prize draw and our Black Caviar bonanza giveaway page? As always, HorseWyse Magazine is crammed full of reader stories, horse training tips, cartoons and fun stuff activities for young riders aged 6 to 16 years. And that's why HorseWyse is Australia's No. 1 Magazine for young horse lovers!
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HorseWyse Magazine

Summer 2012 HorseWyse Magazine's bumper, 72 page Summer issue explores the extraordinary relationship between horse and rider - with features covering training the young foal right through to how horse-human partnerships work at the elite level of equestrian sport. This issue of HW also features a War Horse on stage Collector's Poster, a 2013 horsey wall calendar and also includes a War Horse Stage Ticket giveaway! And did we mention our Tania Kenaghan Greatest Hits DVD/CD prize draw and our Black Caviar bonanza giveaway page? As always, HorseWyse Magazine is crammed full of reader stories, horse training tips, cartoons and fun stuff activities for young riders aged 6 to 16 years. And that's why HorseWyse is Australia's No. 1 Magazine for young horse lovers!

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Issue Cover

HorseWyse Magazine  |  Summer 2012  

HorseWyse Magazine's bumper, 72 page Summer issue explores the extraordinary relationship between horse and rider - with features covering training the young foal right through to how horse-human partnerships work at the elite level of equestrian sport. This issue of HW also features a War Horse on stage Collector's Poster, a 2013 horsey wall calendar and also includes a War Horse Stage Ticket giveaway! And did we mention our Tania Kenaghan Greatest Hits DVD/CD prize draw and our Black Caviar bonanza giveaway page? As always, HorseWyse Magazine is crammed full of reader stories, horse training tips, cartoons and fun stuff activities for young riders aged 6 to 16 years. And that's why HorseWyse is Australia's No. 1 Magazine for young horse lovers!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

Horsewyse understands the fascination with horses and encourages youngsters to enjoy and appreciate the beauty, grace, and athleticism of our world’s horses and ponies. Released four times a year, this independently run Australian title is a terrific source for quality training articles and advice that are sure to educate horse-loving 6—16-year-olds hoping to connect with the animals they adore the most.

Established in 2001, Horsewyse is Australia’s number-one magazine aimed at the ever-growing audience of young horse lovers. For over two decades, Horsewyse has been resolute in its mission to help its avid audience read, write, and contribute to a like-minded group of people. Sharing readers’ stories from across the globe, this quarterly title provides an interactive digital magazine where the horse-loving youth can trade their own stories and experiences.

Covering everything from the different aspects of horse care to various forms of riding and horse profiles to beautiful photography, a Horsewyse digital magazine subscription is the surefire way to keep your young horse enthusiast engaged and entertained every time a new issue arrives on their device.

Encourage your horse loving loved one - download the latest issue of Horsewyse today!

Harness the love of horses - with a Horsewyse digital magazine subscription. Here’s what you can expect in each exciting and educational issue:

  • Pony trivia
  • Horse profiles
  • Insights into owning and caring for horses
  • Training articles and advice
  • Readers stories
  • Beautiful photography of all kinds of horse
  • Download the latest issue to your device instantly

Riceverete 4 edizioni durante un periodo di 1 anno HorseWyse Magazine abbonamento alla rivista.

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Basato su 2 Recensioni dei clienti
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One of the best

Highly inspiring Recensito 24 luglio 2019

I love HorseWyse!

You get the whole mag with this app. and lots of links and cute videos too. Horsewyse is awesome and always has heaps of great stories and training ideas and lots of fun stuff too. Worth every cent! Recensito 08 agosto 2015

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HorseWyse Magazine Winter 2018 Winter 2018 Acquista per €11,99 Vista | Al carrello
HorseWyse Magazine Autumn 2018 Autumn 2018 Acquista per €11,99 Vista | Al carrello
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HorseWyse Magazine Spring 2017 Spring 2017 Acquista per €11,99 Vista | Al carrello
HorseWyse Magazine Winter 2017 Winter 2017 Acquista per €11,99 Vista | Al carrello
HorseWyse Magazine Autumn 2017 Autumn 2017 Acquista per €11,99 Vista | Al carrello
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