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iDrum magazine: Never miss a beat 119 September 2013 Edizione posteriore

2 Recensioni   •  English   •   Music (Practical & Playing)
In September’s Drummer we speak to one of the most recorded drummers in history, John ‘JR’ Robinson. JR is currently best known as the driving force behind the summer’s smash-hit ‘Get Lucky’ from Daft Punk’s global number-one album Random Access Memories. Aside from discussing his approach to working in the studio, JR also highlights the intricacies involved with his current live gig: powering a 60-piece orchestra behind the global singing megastar Barbara Streisand. We also catch up with French drumming supremo Manu Katché, who although most noted for his long association with prog-pop-visionary Peter Gabriel, is also a bandleader and recording artist in his own right. Devildriver’s stick-wielder John Boecklin joins us to chat about the band’s latest album, Winter Kills, as well as how playing barefoot led to some very unpleasant touring issues. Evan Walsh, drummer for one of the youngest and freshest bands around – The Strypes, tells us how the band got started, their journey to the John Peel stage at this year’s Glastonbury festival.
We’ve also got a host of gear reviews, including an exclusive first look at Crush Drum’s fantastic Limited Reserve Mahogany kit, as well as a selection of new Pearl hardware, new percussion from Rhythm Tech, some unique snare drums from Chequerplate and the second part of our look at Sabian’s 2013 Cymbal Vote Winning discs.
There’s also an exclusive report from the recent Big Drum Bonanza held in California, where some of the world’s top players, including Thomas Lang, Virgil Donati, George Kollias, Stanton Moore and Chris Coleman, united for five days to give one of the most intensive teaching camps ever.
Alongside this we have our usual mix of tuition, features and up-to-the-minute news, including some very special artist announcements for this year’s London Drum Show, all of which adds up to a jam-packed read!
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iDrum magazine: Never miss a beat

119 September 2013 In September’s Drummer we speak to one of the most recorded drummers in history, John ‘JR’ Robinson. JR is currently best known as the driving force behind the summer’s smash-hit ‘Get Lucky’ from Daft Punk’s global number-one album Random Access Memories. Aside from discussing his approach to working in the studio, JR also highlights the intricacies involved with his current live gig: powering a 60-piece orchestra behind the global singing megastar Barbara Streisand. We also catch up with French drumming supremo Manu Katché, who although most noted for his long association with prog-pop-visionary Peter Gabriel, is also a bandleader and recording artist in his own right. Devildriver’s stick-wielder John Boecklin joins us to chat about the band’s latest album, Winter Kills, as well as how playing barefoot led to some very unpleasant touring issues. Evan Walsh, drummer for one of the youngest and freshest bands around – The Strypes, tells us how the band got started, their journey to the John Peel stage at this year’s Glastonbury festival. We’ve also got a host of gear reviews, including an exclusive first look at Crush Drum’s fantastic Limited Reserve Mahogany kit, as well as a selection of new Pearl hardware, new percussion from Rhythm Tech, some unique snare drums from Chequerplate and the second part of our look at Sabian’s 2013 Cymbal Vote Winning discs. There’s also an exclusive report from the recent Big Drum Bonanza held in California, where some of the world’s top players, including Thomas Lang, Virgil Donati, George Kollias, Stanton Moore and Chris Coleman, united for five days to give one of the most intensive teaching camps ever. Alongside this we have our usual mix of tuition, features and up-to-the-minute news, including some very special artist announcements for this year’s London Drum Show, all of which adds up to a jam-packed read!

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iDrum magazine: Never miss a beat  |  119 September 2013  

In September’s Drummer we speak to one of the most recorded drummers in history, John ‘JR’ Robinson. JR is currently best known as the driving force behind the summer’s smash-hit ‘Get Lucky’ from Daft Punk’s global number-one album Random Access Memories. Aside from discussing his approach to working in the studio, JR also highlights the intricacies involved with his current live gig: powering a 60-piece orchestra behind the global singing megastar Barbara Streisand. We also catch up with French drumming supremo Manu Katché, who although most noted for his long association with prog-pop-visionary Peter Gabriel, is also a bandleader and recording artist in his own right. Devildriver’s stick-wielder John Boecklin joins us to chat about the band’s latest album, Winter Kills, as well as how playing barefoot led to some very unpleasant touring issues. Evan Walsh, drummer for one of the youngest and freshest bands around – The Strypes, tells us how the band got started, their journey to the John Peel stage at this year’s Glastonbury festival.
We’ve also got a host of gear reviews, including an exclusive first look at Crush Drum’s fantastic Limited Reserve Mahogany kit, as well as a selection of new Pearl hardware, new percussion from Rhythm Tech, some unique snare drums from Chequerplate and the second part of our look at Sabian’s 2013 Cymbal Vote Winning discs.
There’s also an exclusive report from the recent Big Drum Bonanza held in California, where some of the world’s top players, including Thomas Lang, Virgil Donati, George Kollias, Stanton Moore and Chris Coleman, united for five days to give one of the most intensive teaching camps ever.
Alongside this we have our usual mix of tuition, features and up-to-the-minute news, including some very special artist announcements for this year’s London Drum Show, all of which adds up to a jam-packed read!
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At iDrum, we want to bring our readers all the latest news, gear and interviews on a global scale and include enhanced content with video tutorials and product reviews. Readers can enjoy easy navigation with a tablet friendly design, fluid page scrolling and convenient video content display. Regular features include our tuition pages, news features, interviews with the world's best players, and top-class competitions where we give away fantastic prizes every issue.

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Basato su 2 Recensioni dei clienti
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Really entertaining for all those who enjoy drumming Recensito 16 luglio 2019

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