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International Rental News Magazine July-August 2019 Edizione posteriore

0 Recensioni   •  English   •   Trade & Professional (Construction)
Over the past ten years, Loxam has completed more than 20 acquisitions. The company's CEO, Gérard Déprez, speaks with IRN about the latest offer, for Ramirent.

The market for gensets is being pulled in various directions by the need for efficient and sustainable solutions. Thomas Allen reports.

Looking at the latest developments in skid steers, Thomas Allen discovers how these agile pieces of equipment are being adapted for demanding environments, such as in hazardous areas.

The diverse requirements of dewatering jobs and the wide range of pumping solutions on offer can make it hard to choose. Thomas Allen fathoms the depths of the sector.

The time is right for rental companies to launch comprehensive insurance offerings, says Simon Ball, CEO of insurance technology specialist Quotall.

HAE tells of how important it is for rental companies to put health and safety at the core of their business strategy.

There are signs that the earthmoving rental market is gaining ground in China, and the focus is on large machines. Murray Pollok reports from Shanghai.

Italian lighting tower manufacture is tapping into the booming US market with its sustainable products.

Madrid-based ToolQuick is making efforts to establsih the 'tool hire' concept in the Spanish market. Murray Pollok spoke with the company's CEO, Jose Luis Aliaga.
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International Rental News

July-August 2019 SPECIAL NEWS REPORT: LOXAM/RAMIRENT Over the past ten years, Loxam has completed more than 20 acquisitions. The company's CEO, Gérard Déprez, speaks with IRN about the latest offer, for Ramirent. GENSETS The market for gensets is being pulled in various directions by the need for efficient and sustainable solutions. Thomas Allen reports. SKID STEER LOADERS Looking at the latest developments in skid steers, Thomas Allen discovers how these agile pieces of equipment are being adapted for demanding environments, such as in hazardous areas. PUMPS The diverse requirements of dewatering jobs and the wide range of pumping solutions on offer can make it hard to choose. Thomas Allen fathoms the depths of the sector. RENTAL INSURANCE The time is right for rental companies to launch comprehensive insurance offerings, says Simon Ball, CEO of insurance technology specialist Quotall. SAFETY STRATEGY HAE tells of how important it is for rental companies to put health and safety at the core of their business strategy. CHINA RENTAL There are signs that the earthmoving rental market is gaining ground in China, and the focus is on large machines. Murray Pollok reports from Shanghai. TRIME Italian lighting tower manufacture is tapping into the booming US market with its sustainable products. TOOLQUICK Madrid-based ToolQuick is making efforts to establsih the 'tool hire' concept in the Spanish market. Murray Pollok spoke with the company's CEO, Jose Luis Aliaga.

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International Rental News  |  July-August 2019  

Over the past ten years, Loxam has completed more than 20 acquisitions. The company's CEO, Gérard Déprez, speaks with IRN about the latest offer, for Ramirent.

The market for gensets is being pulled in various directions by the need for efficient and sustainable solutions. Thomas Allen reports.

Looking at the latest developments in skid steers, Thomas Allen discovers how these agile pieces of equipment are being adapted for demanding environments, such as in hazardous areas.

The diverse requirements of dewatering jobs and the wide range of pumping solutions on offer can make it hard to choose. Thomas Allen fathoms the depths of the sector.

The time is right for rental companies to launch comprehensive insurance offerings, says Simon Ball, CEO of insurance technology specialist Quotall.

HAE tells of how important it is for rental companies to put health and safety at the core of their business strategy.

There are signs that the earthmoving rental market is gaining ground in China, and the focus is on large machines. Murray Pollok reports from Shanghai.

Italian lighting tower manufacture is tapping into the booming US market with its sustainable products.

Madrid-based ToolQuick is making efforts to establsih the 'tool hire' concept in the Spanish market. Murray Pollok spoke with the company's CEO, Jose Luis Aliaga.
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