Luxury Travel  |  Luxury Travel magazine issue 73
In the Spring issue of Luxury Travel, we shift the focus away from ‘trends’ and towards ‘moods’. People are in the mood now to travel to remote, pristine places, perhaps acutely aware that these places may not in future exist in the same untrammelled state. This partly explains the current mood to visit remote craggy islands like Fogo, landscapes where the Northern Lights dazzle or vast deserts where footprints are blown away in the sands.
There’s a renewed mood for visiting cities that have strong cultural offerings — such as gorgeous, heady Seville — or new beaches, such as chic, social Comporta, where you can experience the best of coastal Portugal without the crowds of Algarve. If you have the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express on your wish list, this may be the year, as the legendary vintage train adds three more handsome luxury carriages. And if you’d like to try a cruise but fear it’s not your demographic, U by Uniworld turns the river cruise industry on its head with ships and itineraries designed for those under 40.
So many places to go, so little time! Our hope is, that wherever you choose to travel this year, you give yourself permission to take an unexpected turn, follow a whim, look and listen without prejudice and, by taking the path less travelled, discover something new about the world.
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Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Luxury Travel Luxury Travel magazine issue 73.