Landscape Photography Guidebook  |  Landscape Photos
Your introduction to the world of creative landscape
photography begins here...
As a genre landscape photography is probably one of the most popular. There is always something special about being out in the world capturing the landscape around you. Whether it is the vast openness of a particular space or a more intimate scene viewed in close-up, the landscape is certainly the most accessible type of photography that everyone can enjoy without needing very expensive equipment and studio space. The aim of this guidebook is to help you, the budding landscape photographer, into the world of photography; to explore cameras, lenses and accessory options and then to help you get the best out of them. Starting from the basics we’ll guide you though the world of landscape photography and help you to enjoy using your camera and take better photos with it. Who knows? We may even start you on a whole new hobby or maybe an
enjoyable and profitable career.
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