Match Fishing  |  April 2011
The April issue of Match Fishing is crammed full of tips and tactics to put bigger weights in your net!
In the first part of his new series? Andy May visits the popular Cudmore Fishery on a difficult day. Find out how he systematically used the session to get the maximum from the swim.
In another new series? Lee Kerry tries to work out the best way to approach Gold Valley Lakes for a forthcoming match. Which species would be the main target?
We join Drennan Knockout Cup champion Ian Didcote on the Warwickshire Avon at Evesham to look at his deep-water pole approach.
Welsh international Ian Hughes has developed a way of winning with a cheap tactic that involves punched bread. If you want to save money AND win matches it?s a method that could well be worth trying on your local water.
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Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Match Fishing April 2011.