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MLI Plus Magazine Rail 123 2022-2023 Edizione speciale

89 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Rail)
The new edition of Rail 123 includes more than 20,000 changes and updates from the 2021-2022 edition. Every loco, multiple unit HST, IET and coach, either National registered or preserved, is given, with every vehicle listing providing name (if applied), fittings, owner, operator, livery, and operational depot.

Rail 123 is the only publication to list ALL vehicles in one easy-to-follow, colour coded list, showing operational and preserved units across the National network, preservation, and industrial, together with exported stock. Additionally, it lists all ordered fleets for introduction up to the end of 2023, including HS2 trains.
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MLI Plus

Rail 123 2022-2023 The new edition of Rail 123 includes more than 20,000 changes and updates from the 2021-2022 edition. Every loco, multiple unit HST, IET and coach, either National registered or preserved, is given, with every vehicle listing providing name (if applied), fittings, owner, operator, livery, and operational depot. Rail 123 is the only publication to list ALL vehicles in one easy-to-follow, colour coded list, showing operational and preserved units across the National network, preservation, and industrial, together with exported stock. Additionally, it lists all ordered fleets for introduction up to the end of 2023, including HS2 trains.

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Issue Cover

MLI Plus  |  Rail 123 2022-2023  

The new edition of Rail 123 includes more than 20,000 changes and updates from the 2021-2022 edition. Every loco, multiple unit HST, IET and coach, either National registered or preserved, is given, with every vehicle listing providing name (if applied), fittings, owner, operator, livery, and operational depot.

Rail 123 is the only publication to list ALL vehicles in one easy-to-follow, colour coded list, showing operational and preserved units across the National network, preservation, and industrial, together with exported stock. Additionally, it lists all ordered fleets for introduction up to the end of 2023, including HS2 trains.
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Modern Locomotives Illustrated - The One and Only Modern Traction Partwork

Brought to you by Key Publishing Ltd, Europe’s Leading Transport Publisher.

MLI Plus is the unique bi-monthly modern traction magazine dedicated to recording the development and operation of the UK diesel and electric fleets. Modern Locomotives Illustrated aims to give readers a full history of the class or classes under review; tracing development, construction, operation and demise of the fleet.

With the technical follower in mind each issue has a very thorough technical review of the design and the equipment used, with large technical detail lists of measurements, weights and capacities. In addition full numeric detailed illustrations of the class under review are included showing the items of equipment and equipment positions, with specially selected material to show as many differences as possible.

With the modeller in mind who use the series for super detailing their models, details of liveries and design changes as well as select illustrations are used to show in as much detail as possible the different part of the loco or train. Drawings, reproduced in both ‘N’ and ‘OO’ gauge are included, to assist model rail enthusiasts.

Regular features include:

• Fleet lists
• Technical data
• Cab drawings
• Operational routes
• Preservation

And much more!

For more information, visit

Published by Key Publishing Ltd. The entire contents of this title is © copyright 2021. All rights reserved.

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Basato su 89 Recensioni dei clienti
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MLI Plus

Informative, detailed with excellent imagery. Good design layout makes it a joy to read. Recensito 04 novembre 2021

Best Railway Fanatics Mag

Best Railway Fanatics Mag Recensito 04 ottobre 2018

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