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Music Teacher Magazine April 2013 Edizione posteriore

19 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (Education & Literary)
Only €5,99
The Careers Issue: music graduates tell us where their degrees got them, a look at music courses for adults and the opportunities they offer both learners and teachers, and Sing Up’s new courses for teachers who lead singing. Plus: secondary music teachers’ bible, whether it’s right to classify the music we teach as good, better, best, profile of Friday Afternoons, Aldeburgh Music’s ambitious education project, the London Philharmonic Orchestras concerts for A level students, and a look at the rise of whole-class instrumental teaching and where it might go next.
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Music Teacher

April 2013 The Careers Issue: music graduates tell us where their degrees got them, a look at music courses for adults and the opportunities they offer both learners and teachers, and Sing Up’s new courses for teachers who lead singing. Plus: secondary music teachers’ bible, whether it’s right to classify the music we teach as good, better, best, profile of Friday Afternoons, Aldeburgh Music’s ambitious education project, the London Philharmonic Orchestras concerts for A level students, and a look at the rise of whole-class instrumental teaching and where it might go next.

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Music Teacher  |  April 2013  

The Careers Issue: music graduates tell us where their degrees got them, a look at music courses for adults and the opportunities they offer both learners and teachers, and Sing Up’s new courses for teachers who lead singing. Plus: secondary music teachers’ bible, whether it’s right to classify the music we teach as good, better, best, profile of Friday Afternoons, Aldeburgh Music’s ambitious education project, the London Philharmonic Orchestras concerts for A level students, and a look at the rise of whole-class instrumental teaching and where it might go next.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

Honoured to be the UK’s only magazine created to benefit music educators from every part of the sector - Music Teacher offers essential reading to teachers aspiring to improve. Looking beyond classical music to embrace music of all genres, this monthly publication is a trusted resource of inspiration and guidance that can keep your lessons current, captivating, and concise.

Providing you with a platform where music is valued in and of itself - Music Teacher promotes passion and professionalism with a title that benefits educators in the classroom, studio, lecture hall, online and wherever else you may wish to spread your experience and expertise.

Casting a critical eye over the latest research and products that are shaping musical teaching, as well as offering new approaches to pedagogy through in-depth features, engaging opinions, lesson plans and schemes of work - a Music Teacher digital magazine subscription is the smart way to take your teaching to the highest level possible.

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Help your students chase their musical dreams - with a Music Teacher digital magazine subscription. Regular features include:

  • Sensational sheet music
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  • In-depth product reviews
  • Latest news and developments within the industry
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Basato su 19 Recensioni dei clienti
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Great Mag for Music Teachers

Great Mag for Music Teachers - both the wife and myself read this magazine full of tips and ideas for the music classroom. Recensito 03 marzo 2019

Articoli in questo numero

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