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North American Trainer Magazine - horse racing Breeders’ Cup 2022 to Pegasus 2023 Edizione posteriore

1 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Equestrian)
Only €4,99
View from the CTT – Alan Balch – remembering where we come from.

John Sadler’s flight to success – Annie Lambert meets the Californian-based trainer whose success story is a fruition of his childhood ambitions.

The importance of gut flora and probiotics – Kerrie Kavanagh explains why gut flora and probiotics are such a vital part of equine nutrition.

EIPH – could there be links? – Peter W. Physick-Sheard shares his research on the possible links with EIPH and other conditions.

Celebrating breeders – Bill Heller celebrates Tom Egan’s success as both a breeder and owner through 50 years of loving, working with and racing horses.

The importance of the sacroiliac joint – Annie Lambert talks to Dr. Michael Manno about dilemmas the Sacroiliac joint can pose and how to deal with these.

Grade 1 winning owners Featuring Dr. Robert and Laura Vukovich (Leave No Trace), Donato Lanni, X-Men Racing (Moira, Last Call) and Patrick O’Keefe, Kentucky West Racing (Classic Causeway).

Is sexual harassment an issue on the backstretch? – Ken Snyder tells the story of Sandra Washington, the tack room survivor.

What’s happened to Jerry Dixon, Jr. since the Kentucky Derby? – Ken Snyder talks to Jerry Dixon, Jr., the groom responsible for this year’s Kentucky winner – Rich Strike; and find out what’s happened to Dixon, Jr. since the first Saturday in May.

#Soundbites – Bill Heller asks “Does it pay to stay – should more tracks follow Oaklawn Park’s lead for incentivizing field size?”
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North American Trainer Magazine - horse racing

Breeders’ Cup 2022 to Pegasus 2023 View from the CTT – Alan Balch – remembering where we come from. John Sadler’s flight to success – Annie Lambert meets the Californian-based trainer whose success story is a fruition of his childhood ambitions. The importance of gut flora and probiotics – Kerrie Kavanagh explains why gut flora and probiotics are such a vital part of equine nutrition. EIPH – could there be links? – Peter W. Physick-Sheard shares his research on the possible links with EIPH and other conditions. Celebrating breeders – Bill Heller celebrates Tom Egan’s success as both a breeder and owner through 50 years of loving, working with and racing horses. The importance of the sacroiliac joint – Annie Lambert talks to Dr. Michael Manno about dilemmas the Sacroiliac joint can pose and how to deal with these. Grade 1 winning owners Featuring Dr. Robert and Laura Vukovich (Leave No Trace), Donato Lanni, X-Men Racing (Moira, Last Call) and Patrick O’Keefe, Kentucky West Racing (Classic Causeway). Is sexual harassment an issue on the backstretch? – Ken Snyder tells the story of Sandra Washington, the tack room survivor. What’s happened to Jerry Dixon, Jr. since the Kentucky Derby? – Ken Snyder talks to Jerry Dixon, Jr., the groom responsible for this year’s Kentucky winner – Rich Strike; and find out what’s happened to Dixon, Jr. since the first Saturday in May. #Soundbites – Bill Heller asks “Does it pay to stay – should more tracks follow Oaklawn Park’s lead for incentivizing field size?”

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North American Trainer Magazine - horse racing  |  Breeders’ Cup 2022 to Pegasus 2023  

View from the CTT – Alan Balch – remembering where we come from.

John Sadler’s flight to success – Annie Lambert meets the Californian-based trainer whose success story is a fruition of his childhood ambitions.

The importance of gut flora and probiotics – Kerrie Kavanagh explains why gut flora and probiotics are such a vital part of equine nutrition.

EIPH – could there be links? – Peter W. Physick-Sheard shares his research on the possible links with EIPH and other conditions.

Celebrating breeders – Bill Heller celebrates Tom Egan’s success as both a breeder and owner through 50 years of loving, working with and racing horses.

The importance of the sacroiliac joint – Annie Lambert talks to Dr. Michael Manno about dilemmas the Sacroiliac joint can pose and how to deal with these.

Grade 1 winning owners Featuring Dr. Robert and Laura Vukovich (Leave No Trace), Donato Lanni, X-Men Racing (Moira, Last Call) and Patrick O’Keefe, Kentucky West Racing (Classic Causeway).

Is sexual harassment an issue on the backstretch? – Ken Snyder tells the story of Sandra Washington, the tack room survivor.

What’s happened to Jerry Dixon, Jr. since the Kentucky Derby? – Ken Snyder talks to Jerry Dixon, Jr., the groom responsible for this year’s Kentucky winner – Rich Strike; and find out what’s happened to Dixon, Jr. since the first Saturday in May.

#Soundbites – Bill Heller asks “Does it pay to stay – should more tracks follow Oaklawn Park’s lead for incentivizing field size?”
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
North American Trainer magazine, is the quarterly magazine for the training and development of the thoroughbred racehorse. The magazine covers profiles on leading racehorse trainers and covers subjects including; welfare, training, nutrition and the racing business.

The magazine covers all the latest and innovative developments within the racing industry and is a must-read publication for anyone serious about sport horse training. The magazine features both leading writers and top photographers.

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