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Yogic Tools For Sleep

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Singolo numero digitale March 2018
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OM Yoga Magazine
March 2018

Altri articoli in questo numero

OM Regulars
Any time of year is a good time to do yoga, but I reckon
Eleonora is an avid observer of child-raising styles.
My secret place
The photo shows yoga instructor and classical trumpet
N@maste Keep in touch
Love OM magazine and want to tell the world? Here’s your chance
Yoga brought a much-needed career change for Helen Portas
Ayurveda man
Current ayurveda exhibition at the Wellcome Collection in London showcases yoga’s sister science
An affirmation for slowing down, savouring the moment and being in the now
WIN tickets to the OM Yoga Show Manchester - worth £40 (per pair)
We are giving away 20 pairs of weekend passes to the OM Yoga Show in Manchester next month. Enjoy a fun-filled weekend on us – and bring a friend – absolutely FREE
Yoga & Aromatherapy
In March we start to shake off winter and begin cleansing
QAfternoon delight
Avoid the dreaded afternoon slump by eating mixed fruits and berries in the morning, new research shows
Amazing spaces
Stylish and inspiring studio design ideas and interiors
Om loves
Beautiful things for beautiful people
Planet yoga
Stories from around the weird and wonderful world of yoga
Subscription Benefits
DELIVERY INCLUDED direct to your door (or download
Om books
Thrive Through Yoga A 21-Day Journey To Ease Anxiety
Yoga is for every body
Your pictures. Your community
#Hashtag I Love Yoga
What’s in a hashtag? Actually, quite a lot, according to Victoria Jackson
OM Body
Power Up Your Day
Blast some power and energy into your body with this short sequence from Dylan Ayaloo
Kristina Rihanoff
Professional ballroom dancer and choreographer Kristina Rihanoff is best known for her appearances on Strictly Come Dancing. Now a qualified yoga instructor, she’s looking to share its wellness benefits with others
Four-Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana)
Four-limbed staff pose, more commonly known as chaturanga, is one of the yoga asana that most students struggle to fully grasp
Five ways to incorporate yoga’s magic into every day.
The Benefits Of Yin Yoga
Have you tried yin yoga? If you’re tired and craving energy, or you’re overstimulated with a racing mind, it might just be the answer. By Esther Ekhart
Om Competition
WIN 4 weekend tickets to The Big Retreat Wales festival 2018, worth £900*
Now Zen
Andy Robins describes how yin yoga and zazen, a meditative discipline from Zen Buddhism, helped transform his life, to move out of fear and into freedom
A time for peace
Meditation coach Christopher Luardexplains how witnessing the 9/11 atrocities fuelled his quest for peace
Warrior 3 (Virabhadrasana III)
Warrior 3, and other poses that str engthen the posterior
OM Mind
A meditation to help us return again to 8 - 14 April 2018 the flow of life
How to bestill
Pause time: Carina Lawson says we all need to plan time to simply stop and stare
OM Spiri
From limited to limitless
Power up: Reframing the self through the eight limbs of yoga
Fel the feeling
Dropping expectations and feeling things just as they are.
Chakras: an introduction Part 5 of 9 - anahata chakra
Yoga therapist Sarah Swindlehurst continues a nine-month exploration of the chakras
OM Living
Healthy eating goodies
Wonderful seasonal recipes from Chantelle Nicholson to fill you with energy and joy this spring
F is for Fibre
Fibre and gut health: Sarah Jackson explores the science and myths behind fibre and its importance to our gut healt
OM Family
Thoughts on happiness
It takes a fair amount of curiosity to chase the silent dreams of happiness, but it is our duty to do so. By Siri Arti
Yoga for children
Yoga is good for everyone…no matter how young. OM speaks to experts, parents and children to find out why.
OM Actions
Magic bus
The Unum Heart Meditation Station, the first such mobile unit in America, is bringing inner peace to the people of New York
My Story…
If you have to choose between salvaging a relationship and saving your soul, always choose to save your soul, writes Kandra Lackey. Here she tells the story of how she did just that
OM Teacher Zone
Tips from the experts to help you grow the yoga business of your dreams.
And now for something completely different: Adam Hocke explores why it’s important to keep learning in order to keep our practice fresh
Understanding theKoshas
Peel back the yogic layers and let the authentic teacher within change lives forever.
Yoga for sustainability
Blessed are the stiff…you’re probably less likely to get injured
OM Travel
Om travel
Awe-inspiring retreats and ideas for yoga explorers
Africa Calling
Top Africa yoga and wellness lodges for 2018
Shakti Shanti
The Original South African Yoga Wear
Free Spirit
Use your wings
It´s your time to shine!
Born Peaceful
External Expressions of Inner Peace
Spread your toes
Moonchild Yoga Wear
The new collection from Moonchild Yoga Wear has arrived
The first maternity activewear Brand for the whole cycle of pregnancy
Chocolate Buddha
British Yoga Clothing for the Lycra-Shy
Blossom Yoga Wear
Designed by Yogis for Yogis
Wear, Breathe, Practice
Serious Fun
Yummy Yoga Girl
Healthy living for the amazing yo
Carrot Banana Peach
Tailored by Nature
Buddha Pants
The pants that make you dance!
Yogi up your life
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