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Embracing the change

By Sue Fuller
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Singolo numero digitale Oct-23
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This month, we’re super excited about the upcoming OM Yoga Show, which takes place at London’s Alexandra Palace from 13th to 15th October. Come along and meet the OM team.
OM Regulars
OM in 30 seconds
Get ready for the greatest yoga show on earth!
Our contributors this month!
My secret place
Yogi: Victor Vicyasa Cotto Photographer: Demetra Kentrotas
Love OM magazine and want to tell the world? Here’s your chance.
YOGA Changed My Life
After a traumatic year in the wake of a cancer diagnosis and treatment, it was yoga that brought back a sense of safety and calm for Suzan Altay.
The Happiness Explorer
How to…get started on your personal growth journey.
Living the teachings — understanding yoga’s everyday spiritual meanings
Amazing SPACES
Live long and prosper
Anti-ageing efforts in space research gathering pace after last year’s impromptu yoga.
Om loves
 Beautiful things for beautiful people.
Planet yoga
Stories from around the weird and wonderful world of yoga.
om books
The latest books to check out.
The latest books to check out.
Yoga is for every body
Your pictures. Your community.
Yogis being non-yogic
The human side of yogis and embracing imperfections.
OM Yoga Show Preview
OM Yoga Show 2023
Standby for Europe’s biggest yoga event…coming to Alexandra Palace this month!
Retail therapy
One of the most striking things for first-time visitors to the OM Yoga Show is the scale of the sprawling shopping market,which takes over the whole floor area inside the iconic Alexandra Palace venue.
Healing SOUNDS
Nothing beats a soothing sound meditation or a gong bath. Take your pick from a whole range of blissful, healing sound sessions at the OM Yoga Show this year.
Virgin Active
One of this year’s show sponsors is Virgin Active. Here, Penelope Oldfield outlines what to expect from the gym’s new yoga experience and teacher training opportunities.
OM Yoga Awards 2023
The winners of our inaugural OM Yoga Awards will be announced at the OM Yoga Show on Saturday 14th October 2023. Make sure you are there!
Meet our Man on the Mat
Come to the show and meet Ravi Dixit, OM’s regular ‘Man on the Mat’, for a glimpse into yoga’s authentic, traditional Indian roots.
Meet this month’s cover star, Esther Marie, who you can catch live and in-person at the OM Yoga Show in London this month.
Mind Body Soul Experience 2023 Preview
Embrace your spiritual side
Did you know visitors to the OM Yoga Show get free entry to the adjacent Mind Body Soul Experience, which takes place the same weekend inside Alexandra Palace?
The witch wound & the sacred feminine
If you’re ready to reclaim your inner witch and embrace your magic and power join Kirsty Gallagher in London at the MBS Experience
OM Body
Let’s twist again
Enjoy this fluid, yet nourishing practice, which focuses on gentle twists and turns.
A 360º overview of...
Monkey Pose (Hanumanasana)
YOGA Unpacked
BRAHMACHARYA – I strive to channel my vital energy mindfully and appropriately.
Strengthening resilience one breath at a time
Yoga and vagal tone: How yoga can help you keep your nerve.
Isabel Daniella Lancaster
Better backs — posture tips & back health in an era of home working.
Here, Isabel Daniella Lancaster shares some simple tips that have worked for her in managing her back condition over the years.
Active sitting
Better backs — posture tips & back health in an era of home working.
Neil Patel of Chi Kri Yoga introduces the ancient practice to the men and women of the British armed forces.
The High Commission of India worked together with the Royal Navy for a group yoga class on HMS Diamond while it was moored in Portsmouth.
Chi Kri Yoga also introduced members of British Army to the ancient practice.
OM Mind
Nature’s wordless wisdom
Embodied Living: Mindfulness & Yoga for Life’s Everyday Challenges. 
Prana, the breath of life
Exploring the nuances of pranayama.
OM Spirit
Life Purpose Shaman
OM chats to Tammy Adams, aka the Life Purpose Shaman, who you can find at this year’s OM Yoga Show.
Rewriting the narrative
Exploring ancestral impact: unravelling generational patterns for transformation.
Moon Cycles & Menopause: Special Report
Moon Cycles & The Menopause
Yoga and other wellness practices can help us in reframing how we experience the menopause and other life challenges. Embrace the new you in our special report this month and get started on your natural wellness journey.
The eternal dance
Navigating our cyclical rhythms.
Staying healthy, focused and energised during menopause
Top tips on how yoga and exercise can help.
Menopause Chair Yoga
A fresh approach to soothe menopause symptoms.
Yoga for menopause anxiety
A yoga sequence for anxiety during menopause.
Menopause musings
The trials and tribulations of the menopause and how yoga and greater awareness can play a role in helping us through.
Menopause fitness tips
Expert tips on the various ways exercise and diet can help to reduce some of the symptoms of the menopause by Dean Zweck.
OM Living
eat drink yoga
Healthy eating goodies.
Flavours of the world
Discover delicious flavours from around the world with these healthy plant-based recipes, taken from the book Bosh! Meat: Over 100 Outrageously Tasty Recipes by Henry Firth and Ian Theasby
Health benefits of a plant-based diet
Nutrition researcher Joshua Gibbs outlines the health benefits of a plant-based diet and why it could help you live longer.
OM Family
Halloween Yoga Zombies vs. Vampires
Bring a unique Halloween twist to your children’s yoga classes this month. Gopala Amir Yaffa offers a simple class plan and some fun ideas to get you started.
Teacher Zone
Teacher zone
A deeper understanding of yoga... for teachers, by teachers.
My Yoga Biz
Tips from the experts to help you grow the yoga business of your dreams.
Notes from a bittersweet year on turning 54 with yoga. By Rola Tassabehji.
Free Yoga
The power of a peaceful practice.
Yoga Stops Traffick!
Roll out your mat and support an amazing global yoga charity.
Less is more
How teaching less can bring more reward.
OM Travel
Give your body a holiday
Awe-inspiring retreats and ideas for yoga explorers.
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