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Home workout

There has been one good thing to come out of this period of enforced lockdown: I am now a dedicated home yogi! While I’ve been doing yoga fairly regularly for a couple of years now I’ve struggled to keep my practice going at home. I love the community feeling and inspiration of the studio so never quite ‘got it’ when rolling out my mat in the living room. I think I’ll always prefer the face-to-face, in-person teaching you get in a real class but being in lockdown proved to me there’s still plenty you can do at home as well. And Savasana definitely feels just as good!

Richard, by email

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OM Yoga Magazine
September 2020

Altri articoli in questo numero

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From Europe to the Pacific, student to instructor, Kellie Stewart’s yoga journey has taken her around the world
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YOGA AND Aromatherapy
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Amazing spaces
Yoga Life Studio
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Beautiful things for beautiful people
Enter the dragonfly
Enjoy fitness to the fullest with Dragonfly sportswear. Fits like an extra layer of skin, with the perfect combination of functionality and stylish design for all those sweaty workouts
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Sri Chinmoy
Victoria Jackson discovers that there’s nothing to be nervous about attending your first online yoga class
OM Travel
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Awe-inspiring retreats and ideas for yoga explorers
Suffolk Secrets
You don’t need to travel far to find what really matters: OM enjoys a family ‘staycation’ in the picture postcard seaside town of Southwold in beautiful Suffolk
OM Body
Love those backbends
A back-bending progression with Angelique Sandas
OM meets… Katy Appleton
former ballet dancer with the English National Ballet, Katy Appleton was also a yoga teacher to ex-Spice Girl Geri Halliwell. Here, she tells OM how she’s navigated the challenges of 2020 and embraced the shift to digital teaching
TIME FOR change
Yoga has been whitewashed and now is the time to change its reputation, writes Donna Noble
Yoga is for every body
Sharing attitudes and opinions on race and diversity in the yoga community in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests worldwide
Intense Side Stretch Pose (Parsvottanasana)
Intense Side Stretch pose, or Parsvottanasana, can bring balance and stability to both mind and body
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This pose gives strength to the ankles, twists the
The psychological Secrets Of Resilience
How to be more resilient. Essential tips for improving your ability to cope with the ups and downs of everyday life.
Online Yoga: Special Report
LIVE and kicking
Online yoga teaching sustains vital community spirit all around the globe.
The newnormal
Creating a ‘happy hour’ yoga habit.
ways online yoga beatsstudio classes
Hannah Glancy outlines seven reasons why online classes are simply the best
Mirror, mirror, on the wall
Could this be the future of home workouts?
Find your yoga fix online
With so much great yoga to choose from online, from subscription services and live streaming classes right through to all the free stuff on YouTube, here’s our pick of some of the best ones out there
Onlineteacher training
How do you take a successful face-to-face yoga teacher training course online? Charlotta Martinus explains how it was done with Teen Yoga.
Is anyone out there?
Learning Zoom at lighting speed: yoga teacher Claudia Brown tells the story of how lockdown shaped her business, transitioning from in-person classes to digital ones within a few weeks
OM Mind
Get it done
The ability to focus can be quite a challenge in the modern era of data and distractions, yet it’s essential for getting things done. Here’s a short meditation that will help.
OM Spirit
The spiritual TOOLBOXof yoga
The yogic path can help us to find greater meaning and fulfilment in life, writes Kino MacGregor. It can be a very simple one to follow too
Find supreme wisdom with the power of your third eye chakra
In the sixth part of a seven-part series, Jenny Baker leads an exploration of the body’s subtle spinning energy wheels, or chakras
OM Living
eat drink yoga Healthy Eating Goodies
Nim’s Infusions
Eat Feel Fresh Fabulous plant-based foods
Get your vits in!
Liposomal: an on-trend buzzword or a revolutionary way to take vitamin C?
OM Family: Yoga For Pregnancy & Children Special Report
Top tips for calmer kids… and parents!
Jackie Heffer-Cooke used to work as an adrenalin-fuelled television executive until having children changed everything for her. Realising there was little wellbeing support for mums and babies in her community she launched her first baby yoga and kids’ yoga classes, and 10 years later is the director of the successful ZenMuma and ZenKids Teacher Training School and Blue Sky Retreats. Here, she gives you some top tricks and techniques on how to stay calm in an ever-changing, world
The humantouch
Screen time has its uses, especially during a lockdown, but nothing beats the power of genuine human connection in building strong family bonds.
Yoga bonding with baby
Sarah Swindlehurst/Mulliner outlines what to expect from a parent and baby yoga class
Home school heroes
Supporting our children in the ‘new normal’.
Don’t ignore your pelvic floor!
Maria Kondrashova outlines the importance of pelvic floor exercise for mums-to-be
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Diastasis Recti: what is it and how can we heal from it?
OM Teacher Zone
Resilience post Covid-19
Faye Jones, owner and teacher at Midlands-based studio and yoga store, Daily Bread Yoga, explains how her business navigated the trying months of 2020
Still here
Finding community in the time of Coronavirus.
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