Organists' Review  |  September 2012
The newly-restored organ at St George's, Southall, was the starter for this issue, and you will find it both on the cover and as the featured instrument on the A3 pull-out. As it was built in 1723, we began to think about English music from this period, an idea which then morphed into S.S. Wesley and were extremely pleased when Andrew McCrea agreed to write an article. The life and work of T.C. Lewis follows on from S.S. Wesley so he was a logical continuation piece. As it often does, the theme then evolved into "all things English", particularly when John Rutter's address was offered for publication. Paul Hale kept us to this idea with "Something old, something new" looking at two instruments in the Lake District.
This time we have two "Organist's Toolkits": one by Ann Elise Smoot about concert preparation and how to deal with nerves (and use them to your advantage); the other by Gloria Toplis which is a reply to Daniel Hyde's article in March.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Organists' Review September 2012.