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Outdoor Living Magazine Issue#17 - 2013 Edizione posteriore

1 Recensioni   •  English   •   Family & Home (Home Interest)
In this issue we take a look at what’s hot trend-wise for 2013. Sunny de Bruyn delves into solar power and how it can be incorporated into your home, as well as the benefits of choosing natural turf for your abode. Rachel Falzon shows us how to keep the bugs at bay in a number of sensible ways that are also easy on the environment. Orchid enthusiast Tony Karacsonyi proves this exotic-looking flower is easier to grow than it may look, and Louise McDaid shows us how to incorporate espalier into our gardens. Also, Andy Allen – winner of Master Chef 2012 – joins us to give us his tips on how to dine and entertain alfresco, with some tasty recipes for you to enjoy as well.
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Outdoor Living

Issue#17 - 2013 In this issue we take a look at what’s hot trend-wise for 2013. Sunny de Bruyn delves into solar power and how it can be incorporated into your home, as well as the benefits of choosing natural turf for your abode. Rachel Falzon shows us how to keep the bugs at bay in a number of sensible ways that are also easy on the environment. Orchid enthusiast Tony Karacsonyi proves this exotic-looking flower is easier to grow than it may look, and Louise McDaid shows us how to incorporate espalier into our gardens. Also, Andy Allen – winner of Master Chef 2012 – joins us to give us his tips on how to dine and entertain alfresco, with some tasty recipes for you to enjoy as well.

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Issue Cover

Outdoor Living  |  Issue#17 - 2013  

In this issue we take a look at what’s hot trend-wise for 2013. Sunny de Bruyn delves into solar power and how it can be incorporated into your home, as well as the benefits of choosing natural turf for your abode. Rachel Falzon shows us how to keep the bugs at bay in a number of sensible ways that are also easy on the environment. Orchid enthusiast Tony Karacsonyi proves this exotic-looking flower is easier to grow than it may look, and Louise McDaid shows us how to incorporate espalier into our gardens. Also, Andy Allen – winner of Master Chef 2012 – joins us to give us his tips on how to dine and entertain alfresco, with some tasty recipes for you to enjoy as well.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
The popularisation of the outdoor room would have to be the home design trend of the decade. Outdoor Rooms Magazine showcases stunning outdoor room projects and offers a glimpse in to the lifestyles they facilitate. With seamless interplay between interior and exterior living space the outdoor room is the signature statement of modern living in warm climate countries like Australia and throughout South East Asia.

In each edition of Outdoor Rooms there is all the information and inspiration needed to design, build and decorate an outdoor room that can be used day and night all year round. The magazine covers topics such as but not limited to flooring, screening, roofing, outdoor art, furniture, furnishings, outdoor entertainment, outdoor cooking, lighting, heating/cooling, plants as well as pools & spas.

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Basato su 1 Recensioni dei clienti
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