Outdoor Living  |  Issue#19 - 2013
This issue is dedicated this issue to celebrating the winter month’s outdoors. First we kick off with our heating special that explores which option is right for you. From tabletop ethanol portables, to built in gas fireplaces and wood burning fire pits and chimineas – we have a range of winter warmers for every budget, style and taste.
We also take a look at how to to get the most out of your winter garden and how to maintain your outdoor surfaces and furniture. This issue will also explore using tiles, landscaping with pebbles, gabions and how to make a small courtyard appear larger than it actually is. Also on show are a range of hand-picked outdoor spaces to inspire by some of Australia's most renowned landscape architects and designers.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Outdoor Living Issue#19 - 2013.