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General Interest

Paradigm Shift Magazine

6 numeri all'anno   |  English
5 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (Spiritual & Religion)
Paradigm Shift magazine, first published in 2001, is designed for those with a genuine desire to raise their consciousness, achieve enlightenment and ascension, and features authors and teachers from around the world.

We are on the threshold of a quantum shift in the perception and experience of our reality - it is as profound as the introduction of speech, or the development of the wheel. We are moving from the condition where we are aware of ourselves as separate from everything around us, to the realisation that, in fact, Planet Earth and all its occupants are one being.

Many of the people waking up to this new reality find themselves having psychic or mystical experiences. They become sensitive to the subtle energies around people and places. Paradigm Shift helps us incorporate these changes successfully into everyday life.

Practical and educational, the topics covered are relevant to anyone with an interest in Enlightenment, Ascension, Metaphysics and the ‘new spirituality’. Our authors are pioneers in consciousness, people with the profound knowledge that there is more to life than meets the eye - find out what they have to say . . .

Shift your paradigm with Paradigm Shift magazine!
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Paradigm Shift

New Year 2016 Our New Year 2016 issue includes * The Transmutation of Separation ~ the power of great love to endure and maybe even cure the world situation. By Aluna Joy Yaxk’in. * 10 Ways to Recognise a Soulmate ~ there are 10 signs that indicate a soulmate bond between you and your partner. By The Karma Queens. * Finding a Soulmate with Palmistry ~ split from our other half when we incarnated, a soulmate may help us feel complete. By T Stokes. * Letting Go! ~ understanding the need to let go, and the complexities of doing so. By Elizabeth Francis. * Are You Awake ~ Buddhist teachings say there is no Self. Your senses create an identity that doesn’t really exist. By Elaine Speakman. * Radiance of Being ~ it was a radical awakening which changed everything from the inside out... By Amoda Maa. * Assessing Spiritual Teachings ~ there are many points of view in the spirit world, and their perspective is influenced by the world they have created. Trance Mission Excerpts, Joseph through Michael G Reccia. * Earthwise Activism ~ being present with Gaia as she undergoes her current process of transformation. By Jackie Queally. * Spirituality & Humanity ~ our planet is home to five Perfect Masters whose job is to look after Creation. By Jonathon Barber. * 2016, A Year of Stillness ~ turn from the turmoil of your world to the silence of your hearts. By Jhadten Jewall. * The Galactic Alignment ~ create the Dream of the New Earth into a powerful story that will carry Earth forward into her future destiny! Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn. * The Guys Upstairs, book extract ~ we were told that within the walls of the temple were two birth houses, which contained the Star Gate connected to Venus and Sirius. By Amanda Hart. * Multi-Purpose Cinnamon ~ Cinnamon has multi-healing abilities. It is used to treat a very wide range of ills from fungal overload, to diabetes and blood clots, to digestive issues. By Jill Davies.

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Issue Cover

Paradigm Shift  |  New Year 2016  

Our New Year 2016 issue includes

* The Transmutation of Separation ~ the power of great love to endure and maybe even cure the world situation. By Aluna Joy Yaxk’in.

* 10 Ways to Recognise a Soulmate ~ there are 10 signs that indicate a soulmate bond between you and your partner. By The Karma Queens.

* Finding a Soulmate with Palmistry ~ split from our other half when we incarnated, a soulmate may help us feel complete. By T Stokes.

* Letting Go! ~ understanding the need to let go, and the complexities of doing so. By Elizabeth Francis.

* Are You Awake ~ Buddhist teachings say there is no Self. Your senses create an identity that doesn’t really exist. By Elaine Speakman.

* Radiance of Being ~ it was a radical awakening which changed everything from the inside out... By Amoda Maa.

* Assessing Spiritual Teachings ~ there are many points of view in the spirit world, and their perspective is influenced by the world they have created. Trance Mission Excerpts, Joseph through Michael G Reccia.

* Earthwise Activism ~ being present with Gaia as she undergoes her current process of transformation. By Jackie Queally.

* Spirituality & Humanity ~ our planet is home to five Perfect Masters whose job is to look after Creation. By Jonathon Barber.

* 2016, A Year of Stillness ~ turn from the turmoil of your world to the silence of your hearts. By Jhadten Jewall.

* The Galactic Alignment ~ create the Dream of the New Earth into a powerful story that will carry Earth forward into her future destiny! Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn.

* The Guys Upstairs, book extract ~ we were told that within the walls of the temple were two birth houses, which contained the Star Gate connected to Venus and Sirius. By Amanda Hart.

* Multi-Purpose Cinnamon ~ Cinnamon has multi-healing abilities. It is used to treat a very wide range of ills from fungal overload, to diabetes and blood clots, to digestive issues. By Jill Davies.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Paradigm Shift magazine, first published in 2001, is designed for those with a genuine desire to raise their consciousness, achieve enlightenment and ascension, and features authors and teachers from around the world.

We are on the threshold of a quantum shift in the perception and experience of our reality - it is as profound as the introduction of speech, or the development of the wheel. We are moving from the condition where we are aware of ourselves as separate from everything around us, to the realisation that, in fact, Planet Earth and all its occupants are one being.

Many of the people waking up to this new reality find themselves having psychic or mystical experiences. They become sensitive to the subtle energies around people and places. Paradigm Shift helps us incorporate these changes successfully into everyday life.

Practical and educational, the topics covered are relevant to anyone with an interest in Enlightenment, Ascension, Metaphysics and the ‘new spirituality’. Our authors are pioneers in consciousness, people with the profound knowledge that there is more to life than meets the eye - find out what they have to say . . .

Shift your paradigm with Paradigm Shift magazine!

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Basato su 5 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Highly entertaining

Good read with index articles Recensito 10 luglio 2019

Lovely and interesting magazine

Thank you all for this lovely and interesting magazine - I look forward to receiving it! Monthly would be even better!! Beryl Recensito 14 maggio 2013

Amazing read

I am just writing to say that I received my first copy of Paradigm Shift and what an amazing read! Recensito 21 febbraio 2013

Favourite magazine

I love your magazine it has the most informative articles by really good people that are obviously very aware. 10/10 :) Recensito 23 gennaio 2013

Excellent magazine

Paradigm Shift is original and, for the UK market, one of the only true spiritual magazines available that is impartial, credible and of such a high vibration. Recensito 16 gennaio 2013

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Paradigm Shift New Year 2016.