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Park Home & Holiday Living Magazine ParkHomes August 2013 Edizione posteriore

9 Recensioni   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Travel)
Only €3,49
Despite the Scottish National Party clamouring for independence
from the UK, the park home community north of the border is
far more inclusive. There are a slew of stunning parks to explore all
over Scotland. In this issue, we run the rule over a trio of superb sites
within striking distance of Glasgow. All three offer contrasting points
of interest but share one important thing in common: a strong sense
of neighbourliness and camaraderie among their residents. Like all the
best parks I’ve visited across the UK, there is a special atmosphere on
these sites that’s unlike any other section of society I’ve seen. I’m sure
that even UKIP leader Nigel Farage would get a warm welcome if he
decided to sell up and downsize to a mobile home at either Millglen,
Cunninghamhead or Rosneath Castle parks! Don’t miss our in-depth
reviews of these sites on page 9.
But it’s not just Scotland that we’re focussing on this month. We also
visit parks in Surrey, Lincoln and Cornwall in an issue that’s got plenty for
the prospective park home buyer.
On that note, we have also reviewed some eye-catching new model
homes from Tingdene and Omar. Look out for the Sandringham (on
page 54) in particular. This home really caught the
imagination at the recent World of Park &
Leisure Homes Show at Stoneleigh Park,
in Warwickshire in June. I’d be really
interested to fi nd out what readers
think. You can let me know your views
on this and any other burning issue
in the park home world at the below
email address.
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Park Home & Holiday Living

ParkHomes August 2013 Despite the Scottish National Party clamouring for independence from the UK, the park home community north of the border is far more inclusive. There are a slew of stunning parks to explore all over Scotland. In this issue, we run the rule over a trio of superb sites within striking distance of Glasgow. All three offer contrasting points of interest but share one important thing in common: a strong sense of neighbourliness and camaraderie among their residents. Like all the best parks I’ve visited across the UK, there is a special atmosphere on these sites that’s unlike any other section of society I’ve seen. I’m sure that even UKIP leader Nigel Farage would get a warm welcome if he decided to sell up and downsize to a mobile home at either Millglen, Cunninghamhead or Rosneath Castle parks! Don’t miss our in-depth reviews of these sites on page 9. But it’s not just Scotland that we’re focussing on this month. We also visit parks in Surrey, Lincoln and Cornwall in an issue that’s got plenty for the prospective park home buyer. On that note, we have also reviewed some eye-catching new model homes from Tingdene and Omar. Look out for the Sandringham (on page 54) in particular. This home really caught the imagination at the recent World of Park & Leisure Homes Show at Stoneleigh Park, in Warwickshire in June. I’d be really interested to fi nd out what readers think. You can let me know your views on this and any other burning issue in the park home world at the below email address.

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Issue Cover

Park Home & Holiday Living  |  ParkHomes August 2013  

Despite the Scottish National Party clamouring for independence
from the UK, the park home community north of the border is
far more inclusive. There are a slew of stunning parks to explore all
over Scotland. In this issue, we run the rule over a trio of superb sites
within striking distance of Glasgow. All three offer contrasting points
of interest but share one important thing in common: a strong sense
of neighbourliness and camaraderie among their residents. Like all the
best parks I’ve visited across the UK, there is a special atmosphere on
these sites that’s unlike any other section of society I’ve seen. I’m sure
that even UKIP leader Nigel Farage would get a warm welcome if he
decided to sell up and downsize to a mobile home at either Millglen,
Cunninghamhead or Rosneath Castle parks! Don’t miss our in-depth
reviews of these sites on page 9.
But it’s not just Scotland that we’re focussing on this month. We also
visit parks in Surrey, Lincoln and Cornwall in an issue that’s got plenty for
the prospective park home buyer.
On that note, we have also reviewed some eye-catching new model
homes from Tingdene and Omar. Look out for the Sandringham (on
page 54) in particular. This home really caught the
imagination at the recent World of Park &
Leisure Homes Show at Stoneleigh Park,
in Warwickshire in June. I’d be really
interested to fi nd out what readers
think. You can let me know your views
on this and any other burning issue
in the park home world at the below
email address.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Established in 1960, Park Home and Holiday Living (PH&HL) magazine is the UK’s longest-running and best-selling mobile homes magazine.

Published 13 times a year (every four weeks), PH&HL is a one-stop shop for prospective buyers and existing owners of residential park homes, leisure lodges or static caravans.

Benefitting from a fantastic redesign and rebranding for 2022, readers can expect: profiles of the UK’s most exciting parks; new model home reviews; expert legal help; top buying advice; specialist suppliers and services; industry news; updates of important shows and events; small gardens; DIY and home improvements; and a comprehensive new holiday section!

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Basato su 9 Recensioni dei clienti
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