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Passport Magazine April 2022 Edizione posteriore

10 Recensioni   •  English   •   Men's Interest (Lifestyle)
Only €4,99
If you are truly adventurous, pack your bags and join us as we travel to some of the most amazing destinations on the planet. Nature lovers will find excitement and inspiration with Barry Hoy and Teraj Allen as they venture north to explore the
natural wonders of Alaska. If a road trip is more to your liking, hop in one of VW’s new electric cars and discover the subtle and
stunning beauty of Sonoma County, California. When booking your next trip, will you be one of the millions of people renting an apartment or house rather than staying in a hotel? Vacation rentals typically offer more space, free WIFI and parking, kitchens to cook in, and no resort fees. Also in this issue, find out what makes Phoenix and Scottsdale good enough to eat; learn what’s new, hot, and happening in Atlanta; discover the best places to stay in Boston; get up close and personal with “The Dog Rescuers” Danny and Ron; enjoy exceptional wines and delectable food at some of our favorite wineries; and rediscover what makes Los Angeles one of the most unique and exciting cities in the world.
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April 2022 If you are truly adventurous, pack your bags and join us as we travel to some of the most amazing destinations on the planet. Nature lovers will find excitement and inspiration with Barry Hoy and Teraj Allen as they venture north to explore the natural wonders of Alaska. If a road trip is more to your liking, hop in one of VW’s new electric cars and discover the subtle and stunning beauty of Sonoma County, California. When booking your next trip, will you be one of the millions of people renting an apartment or house rather than staying in a hotel? Vacation rentals typically offer more space, free WIFI and parking, kitchens to cook in, and no resort fees. Also in this issue, find out what makes Phoenix and Scottsdale good enough to eat; learn what’s new, hot, and happening in Atlanta; discover the best places to stay in Boston; get up close and personal with “The Dog Rescuers” Danny and Ron; enjoy exceptional wines and delectable food at some of our favorite wineries; and rediscover what makes Los Angeles one of the most unique and exciting cities in the world.

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Issue Cover

Passport  |  April 2022  

If you are truly adventurous, pack your bags and join us as we travel to some of the most amazing destinations on the planet. Nature lovers will find excitement and inspiration with Barry Hoy and Teraj Allen as they venture north to explore the
natural wonders of Alaska. If a road trip is more to your liking, hop in one of VW’s new electric cars and discover the subtle and
stunning beauty of Sonoma County, California. When booking your next trip, will you be one of the millions of people renting an apartment or house rather than staying in a hotel? Vacation rentals typically offer more space, free WIFI and parking, kitchens to cook in, and no resort fees. Also in this issue, find out what makes Phoenix and Scottsdale good enough to eat; learn what’s new, hot, and happening in Atlanta; discover the best places to stay in Boston; get up close and personal with “The Dog Rescuers” Danny and Ron; enjoy exceptional wines and delectable food at some of our favorite wineries; and rediscover what makes Los Angeles one of the most unique and exciting cities in the world.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
PASSPORT Magazine is America’s only Gay and Lesbian Travel Magazine. It is the source for unbiased travel articles and insider information for savvy travellers.

PASSPORT is the 2019 Winner of the NLGJA “Excellence In Travel Writing” Award

Each issue is filled with stunning photography and packed with detailed information to make your next trip truly wonderful. Everything you need to know, from the practical (where to go, stay, eat, and play) to the unique (medical tourism, where to find the best burgers, museums, and spas in the world), and a whole lot more, is featured in every issue of PASSPORT Magazine!

When it comes to travel, PASSPORT Magazine is your insider’s guide to the best gay-friendly destinations in the world!

PASSPORT Magazine – Don’t Leave Home Without US!

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Basato su 10 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Great American holiday magazine

This magazine is of particular use for people travelling to America to see the gay venues Recensito 13 settembre 2017

Always inspiring!

I've subscribed to both the print and digital versions of PASSPORT for 5 years. They always manage to come up with someplace new and not expected (Bergen, Norway anyone?) and the articles make me want to go. Great international restaurant reviews as well. Recensito 03 gennaio 2017

Really Good Magazine!

I love to travel and this magazine always inspires me. Beautiful photos and great, useful information abut places to go. It says "gay and lesbian", but it really goes beyond just the community. Recensito 26 settembre 2014

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