Plasma wave is one of the four fundamental states of matter. It can be arti¬ficially created by heating or subjecting a neutral gas to an electromagnetic ¬field, so the gaseous substance becomes electrically conductive, and can create a small plasma arc. The Six Aesthetix Plasma Wave conductor tip creates a tiny plasma flash from the tip (like a tiny lightning bolt) which, jumps from the tip to the skin and evaporates, leaving a very small, super¬ficial brown carbon spot that looks like a freckle. There is no heat to the surrounding skin. These small spots draw the skin together in their direct environment and shrink the excess skin. A specific pattern is followed to set the points to look like a grid (a reduction grid). This non-surgical, non-invasive treatment effectively diminishes the appearance of scars, post acne scarring, and discolouration of the skin on face and body.
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