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Quilters Companion Magazine Issue#85 2017 Edizione posteriore

31 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Sewing & Knitting)
Only €6,99
Expand your quilting skills with Deborah Louie, as she demonstrates how to easily free motion quilt numerous designs, all based on a 1in grid. Decorate your home with the five cushions Deborah has made, using the different free motion fills. Moira de Carvalho has made a graphic modern quilt, using her own original block. Chris Jurd returns with another eye-catching scrappy quilt, and Christine Lethlean repurposes fabrics in her EPP project. We explore an antique hexagon quilt from the DAR Museum, and Road Test making a Square Tuffet! Award winning quilter Rachaeldaisy fills the pages with colourful quilts in her profile. And, the winning quilts from Road to California 2017 are featured. Planning a visit to WA? On the Road travels through and visits 8 quilt shops from this state. The pages are bursting with inspiration.
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Quilters Companion

Issue#85 2017 Expand your quilting skills with Deborah Louie, as she demonstrates how to easily free motion quilt numerous designs, all based on a 1in grid. Decorate your home with the five cushions Deborah has made, using the different free motion fills. Moira de Carvalho has made a graphic modern quilt, using her own original block. Chris Jurd returns with another eye-catching scrappy quilt, and Christine Lethlean repurposes fabrics in her EPP project. We explore an antique hexagon quilt from the DAR Museum, and Road Test making a Square Tuffet! Award winning quilter Rachaeldaisy fills the pages with colourful quilts in her profile. And, the winning quilts from Road to California 2017 are featured. Planning a visit to WA? On the Road travels through and visits 8 quilt shops from this state. The pages are bursting with inspiration.

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Quilters Companion  |  Issue#85 2017  

Expand your quilting skills with Deborah Louie, as she demonstrates how to easily free motion quilt numerous designs, all based on a 1in grid. Decorate your home with the five cushions Deborah has made, using the different free motion fills. Moira de Carvalho has made a graphic modern quilt, using her own original block. Chris Jurd returns with another eye-catching scrappy quilt, and Christine Lethlean repurposes fabrics in her EPP project. We explore an antique hexagon quilt from the DAR Museum, and Road Test making a Square Tuffet! Award winning quilter Rachaeldaisy fills the pages with colourful quilts in her profile. And, the winning quilts from Road to California 2017 are featured. Planning a visit to WA? On the Road travels through and visits 8 quilt shops from this state. The pages are bursting with inspiration.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Quilters Companion is the definitive patchwork and quilting magazine. With a wide range of styles displayed as they should be, in a beautiful home environment, Quilters Companion is bound to leave you with an abundance of ideas and the desire to create some stunning quilted pieces for your family and friends. With the talented Clare Mooney at the helm, this 140-page (plus pattern sheet) publication is the market leader in its specialty field. Get some advice from your best friend in quilting: Quilters Companion.

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Basato su 31 Recensioni dei clienti
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Quilters Companion

great projects , good instructions Recensito 10 luglio 2020

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