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Radio Control Model Flyer Magazine July 2011 Edizione posteriore

25 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Radio Control Modelling)
Features 11 COMPETITION - Win a Parkzone DH Mosquito BNF twin! 16 ROCKETRY - Reach for the Stars - part 3 Propellant - more bang for your buck?. 30 RALLY RETRO - Ebenezers 2011! All the windswept action from Old Warden... 34 FEATURE - Bernoulli?s Theorem trashed! How wings really do fly... 38 FEATURE - Plastic CL kits - pt.1 Remember those Cox kits?... 44 RALLY RETRO - Ron Moulton Memorial Day Control line fest in tribute to a great man... 49 FREEBEE PLAN - Lightningnezer Do you have the nerve... 58 FEATURE PLAN - Bowers Fly Baby A second look at a popular plan for a sports scale bipe. 64 SCALE FEATURE - Bowers Fly Baby 68 RALLY RETRO - Boddo Memorial Day Radio Control action in tribute to a great man... 76 FLYING RC - Scale Flight - part 3 Take off and landing! Reviews 8 PARKZONE Mosquito - a super little BNF twin. 20 SEBART Wind S50E - part 2 We finish and fly this F3A practice machine... 52 BLACK HORSE - Midget Mustang .60 sized ARTF Reno Racer... 65 FMS Hellcat - Foam EP Fighter 72 HANGAR 9 - Jackal 50 Potent prop jet. Regulars 6 LIFT OFF News from around the world of aeromodelling. 24 THE BLACK ART The Electric flight column 80 WORKSHOP - Apply rib tapes 82 TRADING POST - The latest new products... 86 HOTLINE - 2011 events for your diary. 98 OUTLINE - Dave Bishop has the last word...
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Radio Control Model Flyer

July 2011 Features 11 COMPETITION - Win a Parkzone DH Mosquito BNF twin! 16 ROCKETRY - Reach for the Stars - part 3 Propellant - more bang for your buck?. 30 RALLY RETRO - Ebenezers 2011! All the windswept action from Old Warden... 34 FEATURE - Bernoulli?s Theorem trashed! How wings really do fly... 38 FEATURE - Plastic CL kits - pt.1 Remember those Cox kits?... 44 RALLY RETRO - Ron Moulton Memorial Day Control line fest in tribute to a great man... 49 FREEBEE PLAN - Lightningnezer Do you have the nerve... 58 FEATURE PLAN - Bowers Fly Baby A second look at a popular plan for a sports scale bipe. 64 SCALE FEATURE - Bowers Fly Baby 68 RALLY RETRO - Boddo Memorial Day Radio Control action in tribute to a great man... 76 FLYING RC - Scale Flight - part 3 Take off and landing! Reviews 8 PARKZONE Mosquito - a super little BNF twin. 20 SEBART Wind S50E - part 2 We finish and fly this F3A practice machine... 52 BLACK HORSE - Midget Mustang .60 sized ARTF Reno Racer... 65 FMS Hellcat - Foam EP Fighter 72 HANGAR 9 - Jackal 50 Potent prop jet. Regulars 6 LIFT OFF News from around the world of aeromodelling. 24 THE BLACK ART The Electric flight column 80 WORKSHOP - Apply rib tapes 82 TRADING POST - The latest new products... 86 HOTLINE - 2011 events for your diary. 98 OUTLINE - Dave Bishop has the last word...

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Issue Cover

Radio Control Model Flyer  |  July 2011  

Features 11 COMPETITION - Win a Parkzone DH Mosquito BNF twin! 16 ROCKETRY - Reach for the Stars - part 3 Propellant - more bang for your buck?. 30 RALLY RETRO - Ebenezers 2011! All the windswept action from Old Warden... 34 FEATURE - Bernoulli?s Theorem trashed! How wings really do fly... 38 FEATURE - Plastic CL kits - pt.1 Remember those Cox kits?... 44 RALLY RETRO - Ron Moulton Memorial Day Control line fest in tribute to a great man... 49 FREEBEE PLAN - Lightningnezer Do you have the nerve... 58 FEATURE PLAN - Bowers Fly Baby A second look at a popular plan for a sports scale bipe. 64 SCALE FEATURE - Bowers Fly Baby 68 RALLY RETRO - Boddo Memorial Day Radio Control action in tribute to a great man... 76 FLYING RC - Scale Flight - part 3 Take off and landing! Reviews 8 PARKZONE Mosquito - a super little BNF twin. 20 SEBART Wind S50E - part 2 We finish and fly this F3A practice machine... 52 BLACK HORSE - Midget Mustang .60 sized ARTF Reno Racer... 65 FMS Hellcat - Foam EP Fighter 72 HANGAR 9 - Jackal 50 Potent prop jet. Regulars 6 LIFT OFF News from around the world of aeromodelling. 24 THE BLACK ART The Electric flight column 80 WORKSHOP - Apply rib tapes 82 TRADING POST - The latest new products... 86 HOTLINE - 2011 events for your diary. 98 OUTLINE - Dave Bishop has the last word...
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Covering every type of model from super fast jet powered models to tiny indoor rubber powered aircraft Model Flyer features the latest kits and accessories from around the world. Whether you are an advance modeller or a first timer Model Flyer can assist and guide you to making your flying more fun and successful, what kits to buy and where from and hints and tips on building and getting started.

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Basato su 25 Recensioni dei clienti
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You guys run a great magazine well done!
South Africa
Recensito 16 aprile 2011

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