Radio Control Rotor World  |  78
20 Tackling the Demon
Mike Williamson offers tips on setting up the popular
Spektrum AR7200BX fl ybarless unit
32 3D Masters 2012
Full report from Europe’s biggest 3D competition of the year
42 The Rotavator
Our mysterious expert discusses moving from the hover to
forward fl ight
40 Competition
Your chance to win a copy of Aerofl yFS fl ight sim and the
latest Dremel 3000 rotary multi-tool
50 Stepping stones
Our young pilot, Aaron takes the next step into the world of
Blade helis
54 Reaching for the sky
With a rapidly expanding fl eet of helis, Dom’s decided it’s
time to join a club
58 Mission Scotland: Sky Car
Six people, seven helis and a load of camera equipment
go to Scotland to perform a range of unusual heli stunts
04 Word of mouth
06 Straight up
16 Cutting edge
38 Through the lens
68 In tray
71 Coming up
71 Next issue
72 UK buyers guide & classifieds
73 Rotorworld subscriptions
10 TSA Infusion 700 Nitro
28 Aerofl yFS
46 Torsion Blades
64 Blade 130 X preview
66 Dremel 3000
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Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Radio Control Rotor World 78.