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Retro Cars Magazine Renault 8 Edizione posteriore

4 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
Social media is a wonderful thing isn’t it… Where else could like-minded car geeks gather to
chat about pressing automotive matters? The pub meets of old obviously have their place
and are still going strong, but it’s also wonderful to see such a spectacular turnout at events
such as the Retro Rides Gathering (see page 34-38). This is a largely online-promoted event
that manages to break the shackles of the digital world and amass its thousands of users
in the warm bosom of Prescott hillclimb, for a weekend of merriment, motorsport and mania. It’s an
essential event and one you can’t afford to miss next year!
The immediacy and interactive nature of social media also allows you to contact us and let us know
your thoughts and make suggestions as to how we can go about making Retro Cars even better. This
is exactly what happened recently on our Facebook page and you all had a lot of helpful suggestions,
thanks very much! Many of these suggestions have been taken on board and are in the process of being
implemented in print. See the return of the pull-out poster on pages 58-59, which is back by popular
demand. Also the readers’ rides pages have also made a return (pages 104-105).
The general consensus of this Facebook exchange was that we are doing a decent job of running Retro
Cars here at Kelsey Media, but there are one or two too many buying guide features and roundups. What
you want is clearly more readers’ car tales, which is what you’re getting from now on, starting with five ofthe best this month! The staff projects section makes a return with Paul Cowland’s Beetle and Saab 99 getting some fresh steel welded, and our next issue will go further still…
In addition to all the requested changes above there’s even more feature cars on the cards and we
will be launching our own Retro Cars project… So stay tuned, and if you want to contact us anytime
email: visit our Facebook page at:
or tweet us @RetroCarsM
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Retro Cars

Renault 8 Social media is a wonderful thing isn’t it… Where else could like-minded car geeks gather to chat about pressing automotive matters? The pub meets of old obviously have their place and are still going strong, but it’s also wonderful to see such a spectacular turnout at events such as the Retro Rides Gathering (see page 34-38). This is a largely online-promoted event that manages to break the shackles of the digital world and amass its thousands of users in the warm bosom of Prescott hillclimb, for a weekend of merriment, motorsport and mania. It’s an essential event and one you can’t afford to miss next year! The immediacy and interactive nature of social media also allows you to contact us and let us know your thoughts and make suggestions as to how we can go about making Retro Cars even better. This is exactly what happened recently on our Facebook page and you all had a lot of helpful suggestions, thanks very much! Many of these suggestions have been taken on board and are in the process of being implemented in print. See the return of the pull-out poster on pages 58-59, which is back by popular demand. Also the readers’ rides pages have also made a return (pages 104-105). The general consensus of this Facebook exchange was that we are doing a decent job of running Retro Cars here at Kelsey Media, but there are one or two too many buying guide features and roundups. What you want is clearly more readers’ car tales, which is what you’re getting from now on, starting with five ofthe best this month! The staff projects section makes a return with Paul Cowland’s Beetle and Saab 99 getting some fresh steel welded, and our next issue will go further still… In addition to all the requested changes above there’s even more feature cars on the cards and we will be launching our own Retro Cars project… So stay tuned, and if you want to contact us anytime email: visit our Facebook page at: or tweet us @RetroCarsM

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I risparmi sono calcolati sull'acquisto comparabile di singoli numeri su un periodo di abbonamento annualizzato e possono variare rispetto agli importi pubblicizzati. I calcoli sono solo a scopo illustrativo. Gli abbonamenti digitali includono l'ultimo numero e tutti i numeri regolari pubblicati durante l'abbonamento, se non diversamente indicato. L'abbonamento scelto si rinnoverà automaticamente a meno che non venga annullato nell'area Il mio account fino a 24 ore prima della scadenza dell'abbonamento in corso.

Issue Cover

Retro Cars  |  Renault 8  

Social media is a wonderful thing isn’t it… Where else could like-minded car geeks gather to
chat about pressing automotive matters? The pub meets of old obviously have their place
and are still going strong, but it’s also wonderful to see such a spectacular turnout at events
such as the Retro Rides Gathering (see page 34-38). This is a largely online-promoted event
that manages to break the shackles of the digital world and amass its thousands of users
in the warm bosom of Prescott hillclimb, for a weekend of merriment, motorsport and mania. It’s an
essential event and one you can’t afford to miss next year!
The immediacy and interactive nature of social media also allows you to contact us and let us know
your thoughts and make suggestions as to how we can go about making Retro Cars even better. This
is exactly what happened recently on our Facebook page and you all had a lot of helpful suggestions,
thanks very much! Many of these suggestions have been taken on board and are in the process of being
implemented in print. See the return of the pull-out poster on pages 58-59, which is back by popular
demand. Also the readers’ rides pages have also made a return (pages 104-105).
The general consensus of this Facebook exchange was that we are doing a decent job of running Retro
Cars here at Kelsey Media, but there are one or two too many buying guide features and roundups. What
you want is clearly more readers’ car tales, which is what you’re getting from now on, starting with five ofthe best this month! The staff projects section makes a return with Paul Cowland’s Beetle and Saab 99 getting some fresh steel welded, and our next issue will go further still…
In addition to all the requested changes above there’s even more feature cars on the cards and we
will be launching our own Retro Cars project… So stay tuned, and if you want to contact us anytime
email: visit our Facebook page at:
or tweet us @RetroCarsM
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Retro Cars is the only dedicated monthly magazine for modified classic cars. Reflecting the massive diversity and attitude of this growing and stylish market, the magazine focuses on cars from the 1950s to the 1980s, and is packed with the finest show, daily-driven, and concours classics around. Ultimately if it's old, cool and oily, you'll find it in Retro Cars.

With accessible technical features covering all aspects of modified classic cars, and unrivalled extensive show coverage from around the world and so much more, this is the magazine that classic car owners and enthusiasts can't get enough of...

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Basato su 4 Recensioni dei clienti
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