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ROTOR English Digital Magazine 3-2024 Edizione posteriore

2 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Radio Control Modelling)
Nimbus 550 by XLPower
Christian Rose has assembled the model and reports

Digipitch 2.0
Der nützliche Helfer zum Einstellen des Hauptrotors

soXos Strike 6.1
Erste Details zum neuen Modell von Heli-Professional

The programmable low-profile brushless servo for all-round use

Kavan V20
First look: The features of the new ETHOS-based RC system

Part 3: Gerd von Runkel reports on the cockpit and interior fittings

Foiling of scale models
A practical example using a 1:28 scale MD500E

Protos 380 light V2
A new look for the small 3D helicopter from MSH/XLPower

Mechanical elements in the model helicopter
Part 5: the main gearbox

Knowledge transfer
The Jeti workshop in Willich - Uwe Naujoks reports

Preview: ROTOR live 2024
These highlights await you at the Heli-Messe in Iffezheim

A look back
Ernie Dembowsky remembers his first years as a ROTOR author

Tradition meets innovation
ROTOR visits PowerBox Systems
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ROTOR English Digital Preview Pages ROTOR English Digital Preview Pages ROTOR English Digital Preview Pages ROTOR English Digital Preview Pages ROTOR English Digital Preview Pages ROTOR English Digital Preview Pages ROTOR English Digital Preview Pages ROTOR English Digital Preview Pages

ROTOR English Digital

3-2024 Nimbus 550 by XLPower Christian Rose has assembled the model and reports Digipitch 2.0 Der nützliche Helfer zum Einstellen des Hauptrotors soXos Strike 6.1 Erste Details zum neuen Modell von Heli-Professional AGF-RC SA33 The programmable low-profile brushless servo for all-round use Kavan V20 First look: The features of the new ETHOS-based RC system VARIO BK 117 Part 3: Gerd von Runkel reports on the cockpit and interior fittings Foiling of scale models A practical example using a 1:28 scale MD500E Protos 380 light V2 A new look for the small 3D helicopter from MSH/XLPower Mechanical elements in the model helicopter Part 5: the main gearbox Knowledge transfer The Jeti workshop in Willich - Uwe Naujoks reports Preview: ROTOR live 2024 These highlights await you at the Heli-Messe in Iffezheim A look back Ernie Dembowsky remembers his first years as a ROTOR author Tradition meets innovation ROTOR visits PowerBox Systems

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Issue Cover

ROTOR English Digital  |  3-2024  

Nimbus 550 by XLPower
Christian Rose has assembled the model and reports

Digipitch 2.0
Der nützliche Helfer zum Einstellen des Hauptrotors

soXos Strike 6.1
Erste Details zum neuen Modell von Heli-Professional

The programmable low-profile brushless servo for all-round use

Kavan V20
First look: The features of the new ETHOS-based RC system

Part 3: Gerd von Runkel reports on the cockpit and interior fittings

Foiling of scale models
A practical example using a 1:28 scale MD500E

Protos 380 light V2
A new look for the small 3D helicopter from MSH/XLPower

Mechanical elements in the model helicopter
Part 5: the main gearbox

Knowledge transfer
The Jeti workshop in Willich - Uwe Naujoks reports

Preview: ROTOR live 2024
These highlights await you at the Heli-Messe in Iffezheim

A look back
Ernie Dembowsky remembers his first years as a ROTOR author

Tradition meets innovation
ROTOR visits PowerBox Systems
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
ROTOR INTERNATIONAL EDITION -The APP for all RC model helicopter enthusiasts!

ROTOR international is the monthly magazine for all fans of RC model helicopters. Based on the German magazine ROTOR, which is highly recommended in the scene; you are supplied with all necessary information about this most fascinating hobby.

In this magazine you find:

- tips and tricks for building and flying scale and aerobatic models
- workshop series written by experienced model builders
– Practical tips for RC model pilots
– How to do: self-made features for scale models
– Basic knowledge for model helicopters
– Reviews and tests
– How to improve your flying
– Scale modeling and building practice

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Basato su 2 Recensioni dei clienti
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ROTOR English Digital 3-2024 3-2024 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
ROTOR English Digital 2-2024 2-2024 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
ROTOR English Digital 1-2024 1-2024 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
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