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Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) Magazine SAMI Vol 18 Iss 06 June 2012 Edizione posteriore

115 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Scale Modelling)
Modellers Profile
Westland Whirlwind
By Jack Trent

Classic Plastic
Our Monthly look in the Attic
By Paul Bradley

One from the Stash
The Northrop F-89 Scorpion
By Keith Peckover

A Substantial Fee
Building the Wingnut Wings FE2b (Early version)
By Dave Hooper

Regal Eagles
A look at Eduard’s Royal Bf 109
By Gary Hatcher and David Francis

All along the Watchtower
A 1984 Lakenheath Vark – HobbyBoss’s kit in 1/48
By Brandon Dodge

The Cat that Might Have Been
Grumman’s XF5F Skyrocket
By Dick Clark

Express Bomber
Handley Page Heyford in 1/72
By Jonathan Burns

News - news and forthcoming products from around the world, including our At a Glance look at this month's new arrivals
Previews - an initial glance at this month’s kits received for preview
Reviews - the review team look at more new and recent releases
Accessories - new aftermarket resin, etched brass and other update, detail and correction sets reviewed
Decals - all the latest decal sheets received for review
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Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) Preview Pages Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) Preview Pages Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) Preview Pages Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) Preview Pages Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) Preview Pages Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) Preview Pages Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) Preview Pages Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) Preview Pages

Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A)

SAMI Vol 18 Iss 06 June 2012 Modellers Profile Westland Whirlwind By Jack Trent Classic Plastic Our Monthly look in the Attic By Paul Bradley One from the Stash The Northrop F-89 Scorpion By Keith Peckover A Substantial Fee Building the Wingnut Wings FE2b (Early version) By Dave Hooper BECHMARKS Regal Eagles A look at Eduard’s Royal Bf 109 By Gary Hatcher and David Francis All along the Watchtower A 1984 Lakenheath Vark – HobbyBoss’s kit in 1/48 By Brandon Dodge The Cat that Might Have Been Grumman’s XF5F Skyrocket By Dick Clark Express Bomber Handley Page Heyford in 1/72 By Jonathan Burns Regulars News - news and forthcoming products from around the world, including our At a Glance look at this month's new arrivals Previews - an initial glance at this month’s kits received for preview Reviews - the review team look at more new and recent releases Accessories - new aftermarket resin, etched brass and other update, detail and correction sets reviewed Decals - all the latest decal sheets received for review

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Issue Cover

Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A)  |  SAMI Vol 18 Iss 06 June 2012  

Modellers Profile
Westland Whirlwind
By Jack Trent

Classic Plastic
Our Monthly look in the Attic
By Paul Bradley

One from the Stash
The Northrop F-89 Scorpion
By Keith Peckover

A Substantial Fee
Building the Wingnut Wings FE2b (Early version)
By Dave Hooper

Regal Eagles
A look at Eduard’s Royal Bf 109
By Gary Hatcher and David Francis

All along the Watchtower
A 1984 Lakenheath Vark – HobbyBoss’s kit in 1/48
By Brandon Dodge

The Cat that Might Have Been
Grumman’s XF5F Skyrocket
By Dick Clark

Express Bomber
Handley Page Heyford in 1/72
By Jonathan Burns

News - news and forthcoming products from around the world, including our At a Glance look at this month's new arrivals
Previews - an initial glance at this month’s kits received for preview
Reviews - the review team look at more new and recent releases
Accessories - new aftermarket resin, etched brass and other update, detail and correction sets reviewed
Decals - all the latest decal sheets received for review
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
More than 50 years of publishing expertise, a few name changes along the way and a fresh start epitomise the current iteration of Scale Aviation Military Modeller International Magazine. Consistently maintaining a strong connection with both the modeller and industry, we have consistently been at the vanguard of innovation, never afraid to take risks to maintain relevance.

With an experienced, fresh and eager editorial team, highly skilled team of premier talent model
builders, a re-invigorated and professional Marketing and Publishing team, SAMMI stands ready to
make waves within the print modelling magazine industry and forge new standards in publishing

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Basato su 115 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Scale Aviation Modeller Internat

It's my go-to modeling mag! Recensito 03 febbraio 2021

Scale Aviation Modeller Internat

Great magazine Recensito 12 gennaio 2021

Scale Aviation Modeller Internat

Really enjoyed it! Recensito 03 novembre 2020

Scale Aviation Modeller Internat

Excellent magazine!!! -Stay the course & thankyou!! Recensito 27 settembre 2020

Scale Aviation Modeller Internat

Great product Recensito 25 giugno 2020

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) SAMI Vol 18 Iss 06 June 2012.

Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) MDFSD-02 Phantom MDFSD-02 Phantom Acquista per €11,99 Vista | Al carrello
Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) MDFSD-01 Aggressors MDFSD-01 Aggressors Acquista per €11,99 Vista | Al carrello
Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) V52 N625 V52 N625 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) V52 N624 V52 N624 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) V52 N623 V52 N623 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) V52 N622 V52 N622 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) V52 N621 V52 N621 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) V52 N620 V52 N620 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) V52 N619 V52 N619 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) V52 N618 V52 N618 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) V52 N617 V52 N617 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) V52 N616 V52 N616 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Scale Aviation and Military Modeller International (A) V52 N615 V52 N615 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
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