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Ships Monthly Magazine April 2011 Edizione posteriore

138 Recensioni   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Sailing & Shipping)
Only €4,99
Ships Monthly is the world’s number one shipping magazine and Britain’s best-selling monthly magazine for ship lovers. Read by seafarers and enthusiasts all over the world, it contains a unique mix of shipping and maritime news, broken down by ship type, with sections focussing on ferries, cruise ships, warships, preserved vessels, tugs and cargo ships.

The features, written by experts in their field, cover ships old and new, historic shipping companies and their vessels, modern cruise liners and passenger ferries, warships and naval vessels, profiles of docks and harbours in the UK and around the world, and personal accounts of voyages on ships round the world.

The best in ship photography is showcased throughout the magazine, while every issue contains an interview with the captain of a ship. In addition to the latest happenings in the shipping industry, the Ship of the Month feature goes behind the scenes on a significant ship to give readers an all-round insight into the world of ships and shipping.

This issue also features:
Portsmouth Port
Stena-DFS ferry Swap
US Landing Craft
Cape Horm Storms
Veteran Cruiser Calypso
Farewell to HMS Clatham
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Ships Monthly

April 2011 Ships Monthly is the world’s number one shipping magazine and Britain’s best-selling monthly magazine for ship lovers. Read by seafarers and enthusiasts all over the world, it contains a unique mix of shipping and maritime news, broken down by ship type, with sections focussing on ferries, cruise ships, warships, preserved vessels, tugs and cargo ships. The features, written by experts in their field, cover ships old and new, historic shipping companies and their vessels, modern cruise liners and passenger ferries, warships and naval vessels, profiles of docks and harbours in the UK and around the world, and personal accounts of voyages on ships round the world. The best in ship photography is showcased throughout the magazine, while every issue contains an interview with the captain of a ship. In addition to the latest happenings in the shipping industry, the Ship of the Month feature goes behind the scenes on a significant ship to give readers an all-round insight into the world of ships and shipping. This issue also features: Portsmouth Port Stena-DFS ferry Swap US Landing Craft Cape Horm Storms Veteran Cruiser Calypso Farewell to HMS Clatham Hapag-Lloyd

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Questo numero e gli altri numeri arretrati non sono inclusi in un Ships Monthly abbonamento. Gli abbonamenti includono l'ultimo numero regolare e i nuovi numeri usciti durante l'abbonamento e partono da un prezzo minimo di €3,33 per numero . Se volete abbonarvi, date un'occhiata al nostro sito web Opzioni di abbonamento
I risparmi sono calcolati sull'acquisto comparabile di singoli numeri su un periodo di abbonamento annualizzato e possono variare rispetto agli importi pubblicizzati. I calcoli sono solo a scopo illustrativo. Gli abbonamenti digitali includono l'ultimo numero e tutti i numeri regolari pubblicati durante l'abbonamento, se non diversamente indicato. L'abbonamento scelto si rinnoverà automaticamente a meno che non venga annullato nell'area Il mio account fino a 24 ore prima della scadenza dell'abbonamento in corso.

Issue Cover

Ships Monthly  |  April 2011  

Ships Monthly is the world’s number one shipping magazine and Britain’s best-selling monthly magazine for ship lovers. Read by seafarers and enthusiasts all over the world, it contains a unique mix of shipping and maritime news, broken down by ship type, with sections focussing on ferries, cruise ships, warships, preserved vessels, tugs and cargo ships.

The features, written by experts in their field, cover ships old and new, historic shipping companies and their vessels, modern cruise liners and passenger ferries, warships and naval vessels, profiles of docks and harbours in the UK and around the world, and personal accounts of voyages on ships round the world.

The best in ship photography is showcased throughout the magazine, while every issue contains an interview with the captain of a ship. In addition to the latest happenings in the shipping industry, the Ship of the Month feature goes behind the scenes on a significant ship to give readers an all-round insight into the world of ships and shipping.

This issue also features:
Portsmouth Port
Stena-DFS ferry Swap
US Landing Craft
Cape Horm Storms
Veteran Cruiser Calypso
Farewell to HMS Clatham
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Ships Monthly is read by seafarers and enthusiasts all over the world, it contains a unique mix of shipping and maritime news, broken down by ship type, with sections focussing on ferries, cruise ships, warships, preserved vessels, tugs, tankers and cargo ships.

The features, written by experts in their field, cover ships old and new, historic shipping companies and their vessels, modern cruise liners and passenger ferries, warships and naval vessels, profiles of docks and harbours in the UK and around the world, and personal accounts of voyages on ships round the world.

In addition to the latest happenings in the shipping industry, the Ship of the Month feature goes behind the scenes on a significant ship to give readers an all-round insight into the world of ships and shipping. The original naval features, of which there are at least one every issue, are written by leading experts.

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Basato su 138 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Best in class

Great magazine with lots of articles about shipping Recensito 19 aprile 2022

Ships Monthly

Enjoy the magazine. Recensito 22 gennaio 2021

Ships Monthly

The best shipping magazine out there. Recensito 07 novembre 2020

Ships Monthly

great Recensito 09 luglio 2020

Ships Monthly

Would like to see more articles re engineering/engine rooms.
Recensito 08 luglio 2020

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Ships Monthly April 2011.

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Ships Monthly Jan-24 Jan-24 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Ships Monthly Dec-23 Dec-23 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
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