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Snow Action Magazine Travel Bible 2013-14 Edizione posteriore

4 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Other)
The monster 184 page travel issue - our team hit the best of Canada, Japan, USA, Italy and not forgetting broadening your ski horizons in Australia without a lift pass in the back country, Also down south NZ's 'First Class' club ski field, and teaching the kids to ski in Argentina.
In Canada we go on safari, have a very happy birthday at Mike Wiegel's, check out the new Silver Star and just how mighty Revelstoke is getting.
Japan, well Snow Action is the #1 source of independent Japowder info and we've done it again - from how to get fresh daily in Niseko to unknown Hakkoda, Japan Ski Boss of the Year, wild Central Hokkaido ..
USA hitting the road in Colorado, Utah in one day with World Cup legends, Tahoe's new twins.
Italy's historic and magic Valle D'Aosta, including the Vallee Blanche via the back door.
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Snow Action

Travel Bible 2013-14 The monster 184 page travel issue - our team hit the best of Canada, Japan, USA, Italy and not forgetting broadening your ski horizons in Australia without a lift pass in the back country, Also down south NZ's 'First Class' club ski field, and teaching the kids to ski in Argentina. In Canada we go on safari, have a very happy birthday at Mike Wiegel's, check out the new Silver Star and just how mighty Revelstoke is getting. Japan, well Snow Action is the #1 source of independent Japowder info and we've done it again - from how to get fresh daily in Niseko to unknown Hakkoda, Japan Ski Boss of the Year, wild Central Hokkaido .. USA hitting the road in Colorado, Utah in one day with World Cup legends, Tahoe's new twins. Italy's historic and magic Valle D'Aosta, including the Vallee Blanche via the back door.

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Issue Cover

Snow Action  |  Travel Bible 2013-14  

The monster 184 page travel issue - our team hit the best of Canada, Japan, USA, Italy and not forgetting broadening your ski horizons in Australia without a lift pass in the back country, Also down south NZ's 'First Class' club ski field, and teaching the kids to ski in Argentina.
In Canada we go on safari, have a very happy birthday at Mike Wiegel's, check out the new Silver Star and just how mighty Revelstoke is getting.
Japan, well Snow Action is the #1 source of independent Japowder info and we've done it again - from how to get fresh daily in Niseko to unknown Hakkoda, Japan Ski Boss of the Year, wild Central Hokkaido ..
USA hitting the road in Colorado, Utah in one day with World Cup legends, Tahoe's new twins.
Italy's historic and magic Valle D'Aosta, including the Vallee Blanche via the back door.
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Basato su 4 Recensioni dei clienti
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Chile powder rules!

Some of the best Aussie ski shots I have ever seen, and great NZ coverage too (love that sheep rescue on skis!) but the Chile Powder feature blew me away - like you do with Japan great effort guys, and so fat - 188 pages is awesome, not many ski mags in the world that fat. Recensito 28 aprile 2015

best of japan

thanks guys really useful stuff to plan our big japan mission - great to get independent info not wensites trying to sell you stuff Recensito 27 novembre 2014

Love the Japan info

Great to get independent, intelligent info on Japan, which seems to be the place to go for great powder snow. Recensito 24 novembre 2014

Great info on Japan

Its great to get so much independent intelligent info on Japan including lots of places you never hear of - we planned our trip last year using the A - Z guide issue from 2012 & the new Best of Japan issue has a lot of new stuff. Recensito 19 novembre 2014

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