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Soul & Spirit Magazine Jun-22 Edizione posteriore

30 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (Spiritual & Religion)
For some reason, summer solstice always makes us think of crystals. It’s our favourite time of year, a week after the editor’s birthday, Glastonbury Festival is almost here and there is no better energy in which to whip out these spiritual power tools! We’ve been asked the ‘best’ crystal (in many experts’ opinion it’s clear quartz) but it’s not always that easy – we are all each attuned to different ones, and there are countless crystals, with new discoveries still being made (enter, pink amethyst). What are your crystal faves? Whatever they are, they’re yours, so harness your own crystal rainbow and be proud of whatever they help you achieve. Though we intend to make this summer our best ever, if you’re just feeling a bit ‘meh’, start off with a grid to power up your mojo. Don’t miss our amazing Guest Editor Rebecca Campbell talk us through our Floral Soul Oracle deck and then introduce her own bestselling new Rose Oracle – you’re going to love both! Molly Bean-Harding talks sensing crystal energy, and even her Hollywood star dad has a rock collection. Perform fun rituals from our amazing experts and dive into the rock ‘n’ roll spirit with our crystal FAQ, for beginners to collectors. Then, join us as we bathe in summer solstice light and check out the wackiest rock shops to visit on staycation this summer. Finally, Rosie Minako shares her own crystal awakening. Our experts are, of course, crackers for crystals, so read their industry-leading columns. Our Spiritual Living section will not disappoint, with our continued series on moon-based rituals and a piece on Human Design for beginners – it’s so fascinating! Celebrate the Jubilee with cocktails and crystals and be intrigued by our mystery event… As always, Russell Grant and Yasmin Boland bring their best prediction powers with their astro forecasts. Win bigger than ever and don’t forget to nominate your Rising Star! Happy summer solstice, one and all.
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Soul & Spirit

Jun-22 For some reason, summer solstice always makes us think of crystals. It’s our favourite time of year, a week after the editor’s birthday, Glastonbury Festival is almost here and there is no better energy in which to whip out these spiritual power tools! We’ve been asked the ‘best’ crystal (in many experts’ opinion it’s clear quartz) but it’s not always that easy – we are all each attuned to different ones, and there are countless crystals, with new discoveries still being made (enter, pink amethyst). What are your crystal faves? Whatever they are, they’re yours, so harness your own crystal rainbow and be proud of whatever they help you achieve. Though we intend to make this summer our best ever, if you’re just feeling a bit ‘meh’, start off with a grid to power up your mojo. Don’t miss our amazing Guest Editor Rebecca Campbell talk us through our Floral Soul Oracle deck and then introduce her own bestselling new Rose Oracle – you’re going to love both! Molly Bean-Harding talks sensing crystal energy, and even her Hollywood star dad has a rock collection. Perform fun rituals from our amazing experts and dive into the rock ‘n’ roll spirit with our crystal FAQ, for beginners to collectors. Then, join us as we bathe in summer solstice light and check out the wackiest rock shops to visit on staycation this summer. Finally, Rosie Minako shares her own crystal awakening. Our experts are, of course, crackers for crystals, so read their industry-leading columns. Our Spiritual Living section will not disappoint, with our continued series on moon-based rituals and a piece on Human Design for beginners – it’s so fascinating! Celebrate the Jubilee with cocktails and crystals and be intrigued by our mystery event… As always, Russell Grant and Yasmin Boland bring their best prediction powers with their astro forecasts. Win bigger than ever and don’t forget to nominate your Rising Star! Happy summer solstice, one and all.

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Soul & Spirit  |  Jun-22  

For some reason, summer solstice always makes us think of crystals. It’s our favourite time of year, a week after the editor’s birthday, Glastonbury Festival is almost here and there is no better energy in which to whip out these spiritual power tools! We’ve been asked the ‘best’ crystal (in many experts’ opinion it’s clear quartz) but it’s not always that easy – we are all each attuned to different ones, and there are countless crystals, with new discoveries still being made (enter, pink amethyst). What are your crystal faves? Whatever they are, they’re yours, so harness your own crystal rainbow and be proud of whatever they help you achieve. Though we intend to make this summer our best ever, if you’re just feeling a bit ‘meh’, start off with a grid to power up your mojo. Don’t miss our amazing Guest Editor Rebecca Campbell talk us through our Floral Soul Oracle deck and then introduce her own bestselling new Rose Oracle – you’re going to love both! Molly Bean-Harding talks sensing crystal energy, and even her Hollywood star dad has a rock collection. Perform fun rituals from our amazing experts and dive into the rock ‘n’ roll spirit with our crystal FAQ, for beginners to collectors. Then, join us as we bathe in summer solstice light and check out the wackiest rock shops to visit on staycation this summer. Finally, Rosie Minako shares her own crystal awakening. Our experts are, of course, crackers for crystals, so read their industry-leading columns. Our Spiritual Living section will not disappoint, with our continued series on moon-based rituals and a piece on Human Design for beginners – it’s so fascinating! Celebrate the Jubilee with cocktails and crystals and be intrigued by our mystery event… As always, Russell Grant and Yasmin Boland bring their best prediction powers with their astro forecasts. Win bigger than ever and don’t forget to nominate your Rising Star! Happy summer solstice, one and all.
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Inside every issue of Soul & Spirit magazine, expect to find helpful meditations to centre your soul and provide clarity alongside affirmations to help you be your best self. Enjoy yoga poses to try out at home to help you gain a deeper understanding of your body - always start your day on the right foot! You can also enjoy an exciting variety of competitions.

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Basato su 30 Recensioni dei clienti
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Soul & Spirit

Great Magazine! Recensito 14 maggio 2020

Soul & Spirit

Love it, well written. Recensito 17 aprile 2020

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