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South Australian Angler Magazine SA Angler JuneJuly 2015 Edizione posteriore

6 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Fishing & Angling)
The June/July issue of SA Angler is a winter special, which kicks off with an in-depth look at our sensational squid and how to catch them. It's a must for all calamari lovers.

You'll also find a neat piece on micro-jigging for kings, snapper and tuna, as well as a guide to catching callop in our section of the Murray. Then there's a feature on Wedge Island, another on SA's favourite fishing get-aways and also the most comprehensive guide to berley systems we've ever run.

We test two new boats, Patty Dangerfield reveals a great recipe for mussel hot pot, and we feature the usual 4WD, New Products and Fishing Around columns. It's our biggest magazine ever at 106 pages, and it's chock-full of great info for anglers of all ages and levels of experience.
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South Australian Angler

SA Angler JuneJuly 2015 The June/July issue of SA Angler is a winter special, which kicks off with an in-depth look at our sensational squid and how to catch them. It's a must for all calamari lovers. You'll also find a neat piece on micro-jigging for kings, snapper and tuna, as well as a guide to catching callop in our section of the Murray. Then there's a feature on Wedge Island, another on SA's favourite fishing get-aways and also the most comprehensive guide to berley systems we've ever run. We test two new boats, Patty Dangerfield reveals a great recipe for mussel hot pot, and we feature the usual 4WD, New Products and Fishing Around columns. It's our biggest magazine ever at 106 pages, and it's chock-full of great info for anglers of all ages and levels of experience.

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Issue Cover

South Australian Angler  |  SA Angler JuneJuly 2015  

The June/July issue of SA Angler is a winter special, which kicks off with an in-depth look at our sensational squid and how to catch them. It's a must for all calamari lovers.

You'll also find a neat piece on micro-jigging for kings, snapper and tuna, as well as a guide to catching callop in our section of the Murray. Then there's a feature on Wedge Island, another on SA's favourite fishing get-aways and also the most comprehensive guide to berley systems we've ever run.

We test two new boats, Patty Dangerfield reveals a great recipe for mussel hot pot, and we feature the usual 4WD, New Products and Fishing Around columns. It's our biggest magazine ever at 106 pages, and it's chock-full of great info for anglers of all ages and levels of experience.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
South Australian Angler (SA Angler) is among the longest established regional fishing magazines in the country. It first appeared in 1978 and has long been the best selling angling, boating and outdoors publication in SA. It features all forms of fishing, boat and tackle reviews, and technical columns by SA's most respected fishing writers. South Australian Angler is published and edited by Shane Mensforth, one of the country's most experienced and highly regarded angling journalists.

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Basato su 6 Recensioni dei clienti
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Plenty of information

Great info’ especially for beginners. 124 pages now too, much more content than the others. Recensito 23 agosto 2022

South Australian Angler (SA Angler)

I would love to have a few articles published on the south east of our state. The fishing down there is exceptional. Recensito 11 aprile 2020

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Di seguito una selezione di articoli in South Australian Angler SA Angler JuneJuly 2015.

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