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The Natural Parent Magazine 47 - Winter 2022 Edizione posteriore

2 Recensioni   •  English   •   Family & Home (Parenting)
Only €3,49
As we embrace the arrival of winter in the southern hemisphere, the chillier temperatures have us reaching for the thermals, woolly socks, hats and gloves and heating up the hot water bottles. Winter can be particularly tough for parents if you have to spend long periods entertaining your children indoors. Dr. Laura Markham shares some great advice for keeping a cool head and not resorting to yelling when you’re feeling irritable. “We all know that when we’re stressed, we heighten the drama and make everything worse. But when we can calm ourselves, we calm the storm.”. Lucy Ruddle busts some lactation myths. She looks into some common pieces of misguided advice and information, such as “soft breasts mean your milk has gone” and “breastfeeding is making your baby clingy”. She counteracts these claims with sensible, evidence-based information to reassure breastfeeding mums. In the latest of her positive birth story series, Helen Bartrom shares Jade’s real-life surprise breech home birth story, and how the hypnobirthing techniques she learned helped make it a positive experience. Annaliese Jones talks about “the very real and significant mental and emotional challenge” that having an unexpected caesarean can present, and she shares some great tips and advice on c-section recovery. Rosie Clark shares some delicious winter recipes for the family, and if you are looking for creative winter craft ideas, she has put together some gorgeous activities to try with your children. Wrap up warm, enjoy the cosy snuggles, and we hope you stay happy and healthy this winter season. Love from the TNP Team xxx
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The Natural Parent Magazine

47 - Winter 2022 As we embrace the arrival of winter in the southern hemisphere, the chillier temperatures have us reaching for the thermals, woolly socks, hats and gloves and heating up the hot water bottles. Winter can be particularly tough for parents if you have to spend long periods entertaining your children indoors. Dr. Laura Markham shares some great advice for keeping a cool head and not resorting to yelling when you’re feeling irritable. “We all know that when we’re stressed, we heighten the drama and make everything worse. But when we can calm ourselves, we calm the storm.”. Lucy Ruddle busts some lactation myths. She looks into some common pieces of misguided advice and information, such as “soft breasts mean your milk has gone” and “breastfeeding is making your baby clingy”. She counteracts these claims with sensible, evidence-based information to reassure breastfeeding mums. In the latest of her positive birth story series, Helen Bartrom shares Jade’s real-life surprise breech home birth story, and how the hypnobirthing techniques she learned helped make it a positive experience. Annaliese Jones talks about “the very real and significant mental and emotional challenge” that having an unexpected caesarean can present, and she shares some great tips and advice on c-section recovery. Rosie Clark shares some delicious winter recipes for the family, and if you are looking for creative winter craft ideas, she has put together some gorgeous activities to try with your children. Wrap up warm, enjoy the cosy snuggles, and we hope you stay happy and healthy this winter season. Love from the TNP Team xxx

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Issue Cover

The Natural Parent Magazine  |  47 - Winter 2022  

As we embrace the arrival of winter in the southern hemisphere, the chillier temperatures have us reaching for the thermals, woolly socks, hats and gloves and heating up the hot water bottles. Winter can be particularly tough for parents if you have to spend long periods entertaining your children indoors. Dr. Laura Markham shares some great advice for keeping a cool head and not resorting to yelling when you’re feeling irritable. “We all know that when we’re stressed, we heighten the drama and make everything worse. But when we can calm ourselves, we calm the storm.”. Lucy Ruddle busts some lactation myths. She looks into some common pieces of misguided advice and information, such as “soft breasts mean your milk has gone” and “breastfeeding is making your baby clingy”. She counteracts these claims with sensible, evidence-based information to reassure breastfeeding mums. In the latest of her positive birth story series, Helen Bartrom shares Jade’s real-life surprise breech home birth story, and how the hypnobirthing techniques she learned helped make it a positive experience. Annaliese Jones talks about “the very real and significant mental and emotional challenge” that having an unexpected caesarean can present, and she shares some great tips and advice on c-section recovery. Rosie Clark shares some delicious winter recipes for the family, and if you are looking for creative winter craft ideas, she has put together some gorgeous activities to try with your children. Wrap up warm, enjoy the cosy snuggles, and we hope you stay happy and healthy this winter season. Love from the TNP Team xxx
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Basato su 2 Recensioni dei clienti
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Interesting Read for Those Planning Natural Birth

Interesting Read for Those Planning Natural Birth Recensito 19 giugno 2020

A great parenting magazine

I really enjoy this magazine as it gives a lot of really practical tips for raising my two boys. Parenting can be really hard at times and this magazine helps to make it a lot easier! Recensito 24 settembre 2014

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