Transliving Magazine  |  Transliving 76
On the cover of this issue, we feature our winner of Miss Transliving International 2022: Jessica Alice. As part of Jessica's winner's prizes she received a complimentary makeover with Brandy B and a photoshoot with Richard’s Photography - you can see more of the photoshoot further on in this issue.
This issue also sees the 2022 winners of Miss Golden and Miss Diamond Girl where the titles were taken by Elfen and Rachel.
We also of course have our photo-spread from our March Eastbourne Weekend included along with the themed Playboy-Bunnies shoot organised by Nina Jay in which it seemed everybody involved had great fun taking part.
Brucey talks to George after his ‘Top Surgery’ in Poland.
Warren gets up close and personal with our very own Rachel Mills in the latest issues column Getting To Know.
Holistic colour and image consultant Michelle shares some amazing tips on how to connect with your authentic self and colourful life.
Nina Jay (Miss Transliving 2022 runner-up) revisits Sophie's as part of her winner's prizes and reflects on the 20 years since her very first visit.
We also include a special feature on GENNET City Fertility and how to navigate Trans parenthood.
Nora Simone reports on Fantasia Fair, which is reported to be the world's oldest Trans event.
Hope you enjoy our efforts with this issue and I look forward to receiving your photos and articles for our next issue due out in September.
Until next time Love to all & stay safe!
Shane Marcus xxx
Email: - Please do drop me a line
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Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Transliving Magazine Transliving 76.