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UFO Matrix Magazine Issue 7 Edizione posteriore

2 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
In this issue: 7

NEWS DESK - Malcolm Robinson casts his eyes over the latest ufological items making the news.

BRAZIL: - THE FORGOTTEN CASES Whenever we can at UFO Matrix we like to bring you UFO cases that have been forgotten about. Thiago Ticchetti does exactly that from Brazil.

UFO'S AND DISNEY - Have the powers-that-be influenced film makers ?

WESTALL PT.2 - Shane Ryan concludes his two-part feature on the UFO landing case from Australia in 1966.

THE MUCHALLS UFOS - Tom James Moir details his own sighting from Muchalls in North-East Scotland.

SPOTLIGHT - Michael Hallowell delves into UFO cases, films and photographs that are currently causing a lot of debate.

CLAS SVAHN - Interviews the Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell.

MoD X-FILES - Former MoD UFO expert and UFO MATRIX columnist Nick Pope Does not believe that the movie makers have been influenced by anyone from the corridors of power.

OZ COLUMN - Lee Paqui & Sheryl Gottschall ask 'Why no crop circles down under ?'

THE ALIENS VANISHING ACT - Ahmad Jamaludin discusses entity cases where the entities simply 'vanish'.

BOTH ENDS AGAINST THE MIDDLE - Brian Allan discusses the idea that UFOs are very much part of paranormal phenomena.

PROOF AT LAST? Are UFO landings proof at last of ET visitation?

And much, much more.
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UFO Matrix

Issue 7 In this issue: 7 NEWS DESK - Malcolm Robinson casts his eyes over the latest ufological items making the news. BRAZIL: - THE FORGOTTEN CASES Whenever we can at UFO Matrix we like to bring you UFO cases that have been forgotten about. Thiago Ticchetti does exactly that from Brazil. UFO'S AND DISNEY - Have the powers-that-be influenced film makers ? WESTALL PT.2 - Shane Ryan concludes his two-part feature on the UFO landing case from Australia in 1966. THE MUCHALLS UFOS - Tom James Moir details his own sighting from Muchalls in North-East Scotland. SPOTLIGHT - Michael Hallowell delves into UFO cases, films and photographs that are currently causing a lot of debate. CLAS SVAHN - Interviews the Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell. MoD X-FILES - Former MoD UFO expert and UFO MATRIX columnist Nick Pope Does not believe that the movie makers have been influenced by anyone from the corridors of power. OZ COLUMN - Lee Paqui & Sheryl Gottschall ask 'Why no crop circles down under ?' THE ALIENS VANISHING ACT - Ahmad Jamaludin discusses entity cases where the entities simply 'vanish'. BOTH ENDS AGAINST THE MIDDLE - Brian Allan discusses the idea that UFOs are very much part of paranormal phenomena. PROOF AT LAST? Are UFO landings proof at last of ET visitation? And much, much more.

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Issue Cover

UFO Matrix  |  Issue 7  

In this issue: 7

NEWS DESK - Malcolm Robinson casts his eyes over the latest ufological items making the news.

BRAZIL: - THE FORGOTTEN CASES Whenever we can at UFO Matrix we like to bring you UFO cases that have been forgotten about. Thiago Ticchetti does exactly that from Brazil.

UFO'S AND DISNEY - Have the powers-that-be influenced film makers ?

WESTALL PT.2 - Shane Ryan concludes his two-part feature on the UFO landing case from Australia in 1966.

THE MUCHALLS UFOS - Tom James Moir details his own sighting from Muchalls in North-East Scotland.

SPOTLIGHT - Michael Hallowell delves into UFO cases, films and photographs that are currently causing a lot of debate.

CLAS SVAHN - Interviews the Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell.

MoD X-FILES - Former MoD UFO expert and UFO MATRIX columnist Nick Pope Does not believe that the movie makers have been influenced by anyone from the corridors of power.

OZ COLUMN - Lee Paqui & Sheryl Gottschall ask 'Why no crop circles down under ?'

THE ALIENS VANISHING ACT - Ahmad Jamaludin discusses entity cases where the entities simply 'vanish'.

BOTH ENDS AGAINST THE MIDDLE - Brian Allan discusses the idea that UFOs are very much part of paranormal phenomena.

PROOF AT LAST? Are UFO landings proof at last of ET visitation?

And much, much more.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
UFO MATRIX is not just a magazine about UFOs, it is also a magazine about the wider implications of UFO Culture. It examines the history and the mystery of the subject in depth, bringing on board the cream of the world's UFOlogical and Fortean researchers.

UFO Matrix brings together an international list of columnists and contributors to provide you with the latest UFO sightings, reports, discussions, debates, theories, news, reviews and much, much more. It is our aim to try and cover any and every aspect of the UFO subject as space will allow. Contributors include veteran researchers such as Nick Redfern, Nick Pope, Richard Freeman, Malcolm Robinson, Dr Andrew May and Ronan Coghlan.

UFO Matrix is not just a magazine about UFOs, it is also a magazine about the wider implications of UFO Culture. It examines the history and the mystery of the subject in depth, bringing on board the cream of the world’s UFOlogical and Fortean researchers. At last a valid UFOlogical magazine for the 21st Century.

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Basato su 2 Recensioni dei clienti
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Love the subject and at last a mag I can read on my ipad Recensito 25 novembre 2012

Excellent for research

Enjoyed the collection of info on the topic and the professional way it was presented. Recensito 23 novembre 2012

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