London Landmarks
The London Landmarks Half Marathon got a huge shout out of support from our readers, and it’s little wonder why. With a route that passes Big Ben, St Paul’s, Nelson’s Column and the London Eye, there’s plenty to distract runners from lungs and legs. Reader Vicky Kirk is convinced: “I voted for the LLHM as it was by far the best half marathon I had run in. Well organised, friendly staff, goodies at the end, stunning medal,the route was outstanding with so much to see, and the support organised around the route was phenomenal. Roman soldiers, salsa dancers, rave music in the underground road section that made me cry, drummers, pearly kings and queens and the inspirational Old Chelsea pensioners who handed out the medals. I cried as I received my medal and the lovely gentleman asked me if I was all right! It was an incredible experience and knee injury dependent I am signed up for next year!”
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