Woodcarving  |  Sept-Oct 2010
Bring in the autumn months with the latest edition of Woodcarving magazine, issue 116.
We have some great projects for you to try such as Steve Bisco?s Dragon of Eye Gothic relief panel, Sharon Littley?s Celtic knot lovespoon, Peter Berry?s fun sea captain character, and simple meerkats with Paul Bignell.
In techniques learn the various ways of securing your carvings the Chris Pye way, what you need to know to achieve effective and smooth sanding with Andrew Thomas, how to enliven a polar bear with Marlene Benson and 10 top tips to better finishing from Mark Baker.
Features include a wonderful gallery in celebration of the upcoming BDWCA Bird Show at Bakewell, the stunning bird carvings of Tom Fitzpatrick, and a look at the caricatures of American carver Pete LeClair.
To complete this edition of Woodcarving, regulars such as Reviews, News, From the Forums, tests, and The Art of Carving continue to inform and keep you updated with all things woodcarving.
Make sure you don?t miss the September October edition of Woodcarving 116.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Woodcarving Sept-Oct 2010.