Woodcarving  |  Sept-Oct 2013
In Issue 134 of Woodcarving, Steve Heath carves and paints a pair of white-beaked dolphins, while Mike Wood’s project is a lovely pair of blue tits. Zoë Gertner shows you how to carve maple leaves in relief, Nick Arnull guides you through a decorative bowl rim carving, and finally Steve Bisco brings you this month’s toughest project; a Gibbons-esque festoon. Our features this month include a look at the legendary Ian Norbury’s final exhibition, Paradise of Fools, plus Mike Painter’s entry in this month’s Diary of a Pro Carver focuses on lettering with the bull-nose chisel. In the Art of Carving we look at an incredible totemic piece by John Barany. We also go ‘down under’ for our Club Profile, over to Canada for the Reader’s Showcase, and spend 20 minutes with Hertfordshire BWA leader Stan Kimm.
Techniques this month include this month’s cover article, Andrew Thomas’ guide to project planning, where he shows you how he uses traditional and modern technologies to get projects off to the best start, and Chris Pye shows you how to cope with the coping saw in his short guide to this simple but very useful tool. All of this plus the latest product news, our test of the Wivamac Honing system, the best events coming up and much more. Another chisel-sharp issue!
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Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Woodcarving Sept-Oct 2013.