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Woodworking Crafts Magazine April 2012 Edizione posteriore

59 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Woodworking)
Only €5,99
In this month’s Woodworking Plans and Projects – issue 66 – we have our usual array of projects and tests for you to enjoy plus this is Anthony Bailey’s first issue as editor. This month’s Bullar Builds sees John take a look at hand tools, whilst editor Anthony makes a wooden planter to hide unsightly plastic pots in his Router Class. One Plank Project is a spline dovetail box and Turning by Numbers sees the creation of a beautiful birch-plywood bowl.
Tom Caspar builds a contemporary two-part bookcase and in this month’s Pocket Workshop Project Matt Long builds a beech spice rack. Fred and Julie’s scrollsaw project is an intarsia dinosaur and Mini Projects are four great – and safe – toys for kids.

On test this month we have chisels from Record’s hand tool range, a mitre saw from DeWalt, the new Faithfull rebate plane, a sander from Metabo and a router from Bosch. Plus in Hot Stuff we round-up all the latest woodworking tools and equipment. All this and more in Woodworking Plans and Projects, issue 66. Don't miss out!
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Woodworking Crafts Magazine

April 2012 In this month’s Woodworking Plans and Projects – issue 66 – we have our usual array of projects and tests for you to enjoy plus this is Anthony Bailey’s first issue as editor. This month’s Bullar Builds sees John take a look at hand tools, whilst editor Anthony makes a wooden planter to hide unsightly plastic pots in his Router Class. One Plank Project is a spline dovetail box and Turning by Numbers sees the creation of a beautiful birch-plywood bowl. Tom Caspar builds a contemporary two-part bookcase and in this month’s Pocket Workshop Project Matt Long builds a beech spice rack. Fred and Julie’s scrollsaw project is an intarsia dinosaur and Mini Projects are four great – and safe – toys for kids. On test this month we have chisels from Record’s hand tool range, a mitre saw from DeWalt, the new Faithfull rebate plane, a sander from Metabo and a router from Bosch. Plus in Hot Stuff we round-up all the latest woodworking tools and equipment. All this and more in Woodworking Plans and Projects, issue 66. Don't miss out!

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Issue Cover

Woodworking Crafts Magazine  |  April 2012  

In this month’s Woodworking Plans and Projects – issue 66 – we have our usual array of projects and tests for you to enjoy plus this is Anthony Bailey’s first issue as editor. This month’s Bullar Builds sees John take a look at hand tools, whilst editor Anthony makes a wooden planter to hide unsightly plastic pots in his Router Class. One Plank Project is a spline dovetail box and Turning by Numbers sees the creation of a beautiful birch-plywood bowl.
Tom Caspar builds a contemporary two-part bookcase and in this month’s Pocket Workshop Project Matt Long builds a beech spice rack. Fred and Julie’s scrollsaw project is an intarsia dinosaur and Mini Projects are four great – and safe – toys for kids.

On test this month we have chisels from Record’s hand tool range, a mitre saw from DeWalt, the new Faithfull rebate plane, a sander from Metabo and a router from Bosch. Plus in Hot Stuff we round-up all the latest woodworking tools and equipment. All this and more in Woodworking Plans and Projects, issue 66. Don't miss out!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Woodworking Crafts brings you a breadth of knowledge and information which cannot be found in any other woodworking publication on the market. Whether you are a first time woodworker or experienced, there will always be something for you. It has lots of technique articles, features and projects across a wide range of woodworking interests from green woodworking to woodturning, craft projects, upcycling, learnt hand skills, powertool use, the green environment and much more. It is approachable and easy to understand, educational and fun. If you have a thirst for knowledge this is a magazine you will want to keep picking up and reading, a magazine you’ll want to keep. Formally known as Woodworking Plans & Projects.

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Basato su 59 Recensioni dei clienti
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Woodworking Crafts Magazine

prefer it now to the woodworker, it has better content. Recensito 10 luglio 2020

Very practical

Lots of good advice Recensito 26 luglio 2019

Never disappoints

Best articles available Recensito 23 luglio 2019

Thoroughly entertaining

Great read for all fans of Woodworking Recensito 18 luglio 2019

Fascinating magazine

Packed full of ideas for new woodwork creations Recensito 15 luglio 2019

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Woodworking Crafts Magazine April 2012.

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Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 086 Issue 086 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 085 Issue 085 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 084 Issue 084 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 083 Issue 083 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 082 Issue 082 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 081 Issue 081 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 080 Issue 080 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 079 Issue 079 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 078 Issue 078 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
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