Q We have a Norfolk Terrier, who is almost five years old and weighs 6.5 kilograms. He has microvascular dysplasia and so we have always had to be careful about the protein levels in his food. Over the last few months he has had a digestive problem, which our vet thinks is mild pancreatitis. We were unable to get him to the vet’s surgery to be blood tested, but will do this as soon as possible. At a recent visit for a urinary infection, the vet tested him for diabetes, and said she could tell that his abdomen was sore.
We are being very careful about what Benji eats, making sure that he has a low-fat as well as a low-protein diet, but he does seem very hungry and tries hard to scavenge when out on his walks. He seems otherwise well and happy, although he does get tired on long walks.
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