Mortons Books  |  Nelson's Portfolio of War Pictures
Originally published fortnightly to commemorate World War I, this is the 330 page Volume 1 of Nelson's Portfolio of War Pictures - The war story told pictorially in a series of large plates.
THE time has now come when it is possible to begin the publication of a well-selected Series of Pictures which will adequately illustrate the Great War.
The camera is being used to picture War more completely than ever before. An army of photographers has invaded the theatre of international strife, and hundreds of their prints reach this country every week.
Military obstacles, postal delays, and the press censorsh1p, however, make it impossible to present at once a Continuous Panorama of the war.
Several weeks must necessarily elapse after each stage of the military operations before it becomes possible to sift and arrange the mass of photographic material into a COMPLETE WAR-STORY IN PICTUR ES which will be well worth preservation.
Nelson's Portfolio will be a purely Pictorial History of the War, the brief notes written for the description of the Plates being confined to what is necessary to link the pictures into a Continuous Pictorial Narrative, without gaps or overlapping.
The Plates will be reproduced from photographs in almost every case. There is abundance of material available, and much of it is of the very finest quality. Photographs of actual fighting, however, are comparatively rare, owing to the exclusion of the war correspondent from the firing line. The camera must therefore be supplemented to some extent by the artist's brush. Pictures of the chief battles by land and sea are therefore being painted for Nelson's Portfolio by leading artists, who may be trusted to present trustworthy pictures based on photographic material and the narratives of military men.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Mortons Books Nelson's Portfolio of War Pictures.