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History of War Bookazine History of War Story of the Eastern Front First Edition Vorige editie

0 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
In the early hours of 22 June 1941, the men stationed on the outposts lining the Soviet Union’s western border performed their usual patrols or manned their positions in the expectation that their shift would pass by peacefully. Germany and the USSR had been allies now for almost two years, ruling over a divided Poland and casting covetous glances at lands elsewhere. Or so Joseph Stalin, undisputed ruler of the Soviet Union, adamantly believed. The sudden eruption of thousands of engines on that fateful midsummer night would shatter his illusion and the lives of countless
millions. The war on the Eastern Front had begun.

As 3.8 million troops accompanied by thousands of tanks, planes and horses rushed over the border, the world held its breath as two superpowers descended into a truly savage struggle for their very existence. Cities would fall, civilians were to be slaughtered in their millions, and the seemingly unstoppable Wehrmacht would come within a few miles of seizing the ultimate prize.

Welcome to the bloodiest theatre in the history of war, tomb to endless names, a land of hidden snipers, crushing tanks and colossal battles that decided the course of the most terrible conflict the world has ever seen. This is the story of the courageous men and women who fought it, many of whom paid with their lives in the service of an ideology that permitted no surrender, no forgiveness, and no mercy. Victory was all, and both sides were prepared to unleash hell to secure it.
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History of War Bookazine

History of War Story of the Eastern Front First Edition In the early hours of 22 June 1941, the men stationed on the outposts lining the Soviet Union’s western border performed their usual patrols or manned their positions in the expectation that their shift would pass by peacefully. Germany and the USSR had been allies now for almost two years, ruling over a divided Poland and casting covetous glances at lands elsewhere. Or so Joseph Stalin, undisputed ruler of the Soviet Union, adamantly believed. The sudden eruption of thousands of engines on that fateful midsummer night would shatter his illusion and the lives of countless millions. The war on the Eastern Front had begun. As 3.8 million troops accompanied by thousands of tanks, planes and horses rushed over the border, the world held its breath as two superpowers descended into a truly savage struggle for their very existence. Cities would fall, civilians were to be slaughtered in their millions, and the seemingly unstoppable Wehrmacht would come within a few miles of seizing the ultimate prize. Welcome to the bloodiest theatre in the history of war, tomb to endless names, a land of hidden snipers, crushing tanks and colossal battles that decided the course of the most terrible conflict the world has ever seen. This is the story of the courageous men and women who fought it, many of whom paid with their lives in the service of an ideology that permitted no surrender, no forgiveness, and no mercy. Victory was all, and both sides were prepared to unleash hell to secure it.

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History of War Bookazine  |  History of War Story of the Eastern Front First Edition  

In the early hours of 22 June 1941, the men stationed on the outposts lining the Soviet Union’s western border performed their usual patrols or manned their positions in the expectation that their shift would pass by peacefully. Germany and the USSR had been allies now for almost two years, ruling over a divided Poland and casting covetous glances at lands elsewhere. Or so Joseph Stalin, undisputed ruler of the Soviet Union, adamantly believed. The sudden eruption of thousands of engines on that fateful midsummer night would shatter his illusion and the lives of countless
millions. The war on the Eastern Front had begun.

As 3.8 million troops accompanied by thousands of tanks, planes and horses rushed over the border, the world held its breath as two superpowers descended into a truly savage struggle for their very existence. Cities would fall, civilians were to be slaughtered in their millions, and the seemingly unstoppable Wehrmacht would come within a few miles of seizing the ultimate prize.

Welcome to the bloodiest theatre in the history of war, tomb to endless names, a land of hidden snipers, crushing tanks and colossal battles that decided the course of the most terrible conflict the world has ever seen. This is the story of the courageous men and women who fought it, many of whom paid with their lives in the service of an ideology that permitted no surrender, no forgiveness, and no mercy. Victory was all, and both sides were prepared to unleash hell to secure it.
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