
… and welcome to the very first issue of Simply Vegan magazine! Here we bring you the latest and best vegan recipes, high street beauty and fashion products, and expert fitness and health advice.

Inside you’ll find a fantastic selection midweek dinners, sweets and snacks to Aine Carlin’s 3-course dinner party feast. Plus we talk to marathon world-record holder Fiona Oakes about her animal rescue sanctuary and her passion for sustainability BOSH! Boys are up to. Make your own natural household cleaners (p70) and our guide to vegan-friendly milks (p18). Plus discover just how good pecans are for you (p24). And don’t miss our guide to veganfriendly footwear, showcasing a collection of bold and stylish shoes. Enjoy!

Cathy X

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Simply Vegan
June 2018

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The Big question
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get up and running
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There’s a great range of vegan kit available. Here are my essentials
9-week beginners’plan!
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keeping it CLEAN
Charlotte Willis shares her top tips on how to keep your home clean and sparkling the natural way
calcium Confusion
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Follow this simple chart to get enough of all the nutrients your body needs
Animal ingredients
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