I’m sure most fisho’s can recall a time they’ve had a fish follow a lure almost to the rod tip, only to peel away at the last second. Or similarly, have cast a dead bait at a passing fish, only to have the offering snubbed. Frustrating, isn’t it?! If it’s happened to you, I bet the words “I wish I had a live bait” ran through your mind.
Sometimes the only way to tempt a wary fish is to present the most realistic offering available, and that offering is a live bait. There’s still no guarantee you’ll get the bite, but if that fish has ignored dead bait and lures, your best bet for drawing a bite is to offer something alive and kicking. A well-rigged live bait cast into a school of fish is rarely refused, and similarly, a live bait dropped down to a deep reef is generally eaten quickly.