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Tabletop Gaming
June 2018 (#19)

Other Articles in this Issue

If you’ve been a reader of Tabletop Gaming since it
At a Glance
Your 30-second guide to the latest in gaming
First Turn
The creator of Stuffed Fables on the game that set him off along on the fuzzy-fantasy adventure path: 2012’s Mice and Mystics
10 of the Best
It doesn’t matter whether it’s shambling corpses or sprinting infected: there’s no escaping the crowd of games filled with the undead. Here’s our pick of ten terrifying titles that will keep you playing from Night of the Living Dead to Dawn of the Dead
Role Call
A journey back to the beginning of roleplaying, with the changing of once familiar settings
All the Jahres
Replaying the winners of the Spiel des Jahres so you don’t have to
My Favourite Game
The Clans of Caledonia creator reveals his hidden affections for Arthurian deduction game The Resistance: Avalon
Have You Played?
As exciting as it is enormous, the WWII sim has become a strategy classic since it debuted over 30 years ago. Grab your dice and prepare for war
Kickstarting from Scratch
As Holly Gramazio presses the button to finally make Art Deck’s crowdfunding campaign live, she looks back on the months of decisions – big and small – that now add up
The Independent Shelf
It’s not often you have the chance to become the muse for a virtuoso, but this weird and wonderful card game lets you do just that
Through the Ages
Hop on board as we head off on a journey of journeys, from early train games to modern successors that – literally – go off the rails
Play it Smart
Something old, something new: are the returns of nostalgic series and game styles something to be celebrated – or is our connection to the past holding gaming back?
Unearthed Artefacts
++YEAR 3121 ++ INCOMING TRANSSMISSION ++ found sector v2: pastime x17 - board game - “mall_of_horror”
Tabletop Time Machine
Board game collectors like acquiring first editions;
The Greatest Games of all Time
We asked you to tell us your tabletop favourites and you didn’t hold back. After sifting through over 5,000 votes, we finally have it: the definitive list of the 150 best board, card, miniatures and roleplaying games ever made
Architects of the West Kingdom
After exploring, sailing and raiding the North Sea, Shem Phillips is headed in a new direction with a follow-up trilogy to his Viking saga – and, this time, he’s not going alone
How We Made
Streamlined and strategic, the civilisation sensation launched designer Reiner Knizia into tabletop stardom two decades ago. As a spiritual successor prepares to continue the story this year, its creator looks back on the game that changed his life
Board Game Soundtracks
Musicians and gamers are letting the tabletop sing with custom soundtracks and sound effects. Here’s why you should tune in
Fireball Island
After lying dormant for decades, the ‘80s childhood favourite is bursting back into life with an explosive new edition. Get ready for the hottest release of the year
Flash Gordon RPG
The Savage World of Flash Gordon brings the legendary space adventurer crashing into roleplaying. Writer Scott Woodard runs us through the approaching pulp sci-fiah-ahhhhhhh-PG
John Kovalic Interview
There’s no mistaking the hilarious, lively cartoons of John Kovalic. In his own words, the illustrator explains how the unlikely inspirations of OJ Simpson, the Illuminati and Watchmen made his art an icon
Corey Young – Dice Towers
Game designer Corey Young wants to make the simple act of rolling a die an experience to remember. His first step? Reinventing the dice tower
Crystal Clans
Can the sparkling card game keep its shine?
Lords of Hellas
Freaky Greeks battle for supremacy in a sci-fi-embellished ancient world
Rise to Nobility
Join this Macedonian dice-placement race for a place on the Stone Council
A feast of fantasy fun that’s a little hard to digest
Will you be the raining champion in this game of clouds?
Get the Macguffin
Andrew Looney has created many notable games in his
Star Trek Adventures: Command Division Sourcebook
While every Star Trek fan has their own favourite characters
Plane brilliance
Penny Papers Adventures
Have dice, will travel in this roll-and-write adventure
The Manhattan Project 2: Minutes to Midnight
A very different kind of superpower
Pioneer Days
Hitch your wagon to this clever dice-drafter
Fantasy Age Companion
Designer: Jack Norris, Chris Pramas, Steve Kenson,
In most cultures people follow creators and artists
High Society (2018 Edition)
Shut up and take our money – but not all of it
Struggle to be understood while gesticulating wildly
Railways of Nippon
Number one with a bullet train
Star Trek Adventures: Beta Quadrant Sourcebook
Boldly go, but only if you really want to
Black Souls
Prepare to be annoyed
Painting guide
After taking on the Empire last month, we continue to make the Star Wars miniatures game live up to its cinematic vision with our tips on perfecting the Rebel Alliance
Dungeon Master’s Guide to Roleplaying
Taking your roleplaying outside of a regular group of friends to a store or convention can be a daunting but valuable experience. Here’s why you should consider adventuring into the unknown…
Event Report
Two years on from opening his own gaming store, Nathan Long is taking his hobby to the next level by holding his first wargaming event. He tells us more
Shop Spotlight
Mike Berry reveals how the North London store – and gaming as a whole – has changed since his father opened it more than three decades ago
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