Airliner World  |  Airbus A330
Airbus A330 is a twin-engine, wide-body airliner which made its maiden flight almost 30 years ago. Since then, various versions have been developed as airliners, freighters, and military air refuelling tanker aircraft.
The latest commercial variants are powered by a new type of engine, rated as more fuel efficient. Some of the world’s most well-known airlines operate the A330, including China Eastern, Delta, Qantas, and Virgin Atlantic. In addition to its worldwide appeal as an airliner, A330 Multi-Role Tanker Aircraft currently operate with seven air forces and the European Multinational MRTT Force. With a current order book totalling almost 2,200 aircraft, Airbus has reaped great commercial success with its A330 family.
Whatever your interest in aviation, A330: The Toulouse Twin-jet provides detailed insight into one of the world’s most capable aircraft.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Airliner World Airbus A330.