Classic Bike  |  June 2017
1967. The Summer of Love. Hippy culture was kicking back big time. Mind expanding bands like Jefferson Airplane, The Grateful Dead, Country Joe and the Fish and The Rolling Stones were finding their voice. And in motorcycling, things were changing, too. Traditional British bikes were coming under fire from the Japanese industry with exciting new lightweight two-strokes that matched (and even exceeded) the performance of the traditional 650 twins. Grand Prix racing hit its peak in 1967, with the epic 500cc battles, MV Agusta v Honda, Ago v Hailwood. Honda was also pushing the boundaries of technology in the other GP classes, too exemplified by the amazing 250-6. While in the States, Gary Nixon relied on a good ol’ ohv pushrod twin to win the prestigious Daytona 200 on a Triumph. Ladies and gentlemen, we give you the class of ’67, in a summer of love.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Classic Bike June 2017.