DANZA&DANZA International  |  March/April
Despite everything, here we are still talking about how dance is performed in the pandemic era. With the exception of a few rare countries around the world, streaming is currently the most common medium for watching dance in Europe. But how to capture the attention of the spectator on the sofa? How to make them feel engaged in the same way as at the theatre? We posed the question and attempted to answer it with Belgian choreographer and skilled filmmaker Wim Vandekeybus; we also analysed the multi-view technology offering being used by the Ballets de Monte-Carlo, among others, for their new video platform.
We went to meet Iratxe Ansa and Igor Bacovich, founders of the newly-formed Spanish company Metamorphosis Dance which is gaining international attention. It will be performing in Italy in the coming months (pandemic permitting) at the Venice Biennale Dance Festival in July, and at the Romaeuropa Festival in the autumn.
We met Makhar Vaziev, ballet director of the Bolshoi, to get the inside scoop about the company and its new stars, including the Italian talent Jacopo Tissi.
Another hot topic of the day is diversity, so we couldn’t ignore the report presented to the Paris Opera on its treatment of minorities, nor the institution’s new anti-discrimination guidelines.
Alongside our usual section on international dance news and reviews, in this issue, we also have a long read about the relationship between romantic ballet, customs and society, 180 years after the creation of “Giselle”. Happy reading!
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in DANZA&DANZA International March/April.