DANZA&DANZA International  |  September/October
The Italian ballet world does not seem particularly engaged in the international debate on equal opportunities for dancers of colour. This could be because, as things currently stand, there are none in our dance companies. However, change could be on the horizon in Italy too and we thought the time had come to address the topic in our cover story and raise awareness about it. So we met with radiant, beautiful star of the Royal Ballet, Francesca Hayward whose origins mean she is at the forefront of efforts to achieve racial equality. We explore the issue through the relationship of many African choreographers with 'our' repertoire, which is sometimes reconstructed or rewritten in an original way. But also we introduce our readers to Mthuthuzeli November, the young South african star of British choreography and a name on everybody's lips.
There's plenty more in this issue too: the outspoken, ecoconscious choreographer Jérome Bel; just weeks after her death, a profile of Zizi Jeanmaire; our interview with Claudia Castellucci, the Italian dramaturg-choreographer who won the Silver Lion 2020 at the Venice Dance Biennale; our meet with Massimo Murru, best loved étoile, now maitre de ballet. We also bring you reviews of the first stirrings of live dance as it returns to Italy.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in DANZA&DANZA International September/October.