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Backcountry Magazine

6 Ausgaben pro Jahr   |  English
0 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Sport (Winter Sport)
From €3,16 pro Ausgabe
Backcountry Magazine isn’t about defining boundaries, it’s about blowing them wide open. More people than ever are redefining their ideas of skiing and snowboarding, and Backcountry is their tool; a conduit and catalyst of the backcountry revolution. Each issue of Backcountry is packed with high-definition photography and stories, trusted avalanche safety skills and reliable, unbiased gear reviews. From freeskiing to touring, exotic destinations to backyard zones, the history of skiing to the cutting edge, we cover it all. In Backcountry, the possibilities are limited only by your imagination. Join us and imagine your Untracked Experience.
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Issue 159 If you’ve read Maurice Sendak’s award-winning children’s book Where the Wild Things Are, you know his fantasy land isn’t a snow-covered mountain. It’s an island in the ocean with palm trees and furry beasts—an imaginative depiction of a young boy named Max struggling to grapple with his emotions after being sent to bed without dinner. Our wild things look a little different. Windy ridgelines; snowy spines; rocky spires; chilling seracs. A concrete, wild reality. But one that is still rich with emotions to be grappled with. The joy from a long, hard day in the mountains; the dedication to an ethical first descent; the disappointment of being skunked; and the confusion of knowing you’re risking your life to ski the highest peaks. While there’s a little bit of wild in every issue of Backcountry Magazine, No. 159 is all about the wild things. Lesser-known ranges, unforecasted zones and unique objectives—or ways of achieving them. It’s Norway’s northern lights and New Zealand’s high peaks; a Colombian first descent and reflections on the ethics of achieving it; a fruitless trip to Chile’s Cajon del Maipo; a first winter in Alaska’s fickle Chugach Front Range; and the spirit imbued into America’s penultimate frontier, the jagged, glaciated North Cascades. The crisp quiet of a pre-dawn skintrack is peeking around the corner and that means the wilds things are too, wherever you plan to seek them. Once the wood is stacked, find a seat, flip a page and let us take you where the wild things are.

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Issue Cover

Backcountry  |  Issue 159  

If you’ve read Maurice Sendak’s award-winning children’s book Where the Wild Things Are, you know his fantasy land isn’t a snow-covered mountain. It’s an island in the ocean with palm trees and furry beasts—an imaginative depiction of a young boy named Max struggling to grapple with his emotions after being sent to bed without dinner.

Our wild things look a little different. Windy ridgelines; snowy spines; rocky spires; chilling seracs. A concrete, wild reality. But one that is still rich with emotions to be grappled with. The joy from a long, hard day in the mountains; the dedication to an ethical first descent; the disappointment of being skunked; and the confusion of knowing you’re risking your life to ski the highest peaks.

While there’s a little bit of wild in every issue of Backcountry Magazine, No. 159 is all about the wild things. Lesser-known ranges, unforecasted zones and unique objectives—or ways of achieving them. It’s Norway’s northern lights and New Zealand’s high peaks; a Colombian first descent and reflections on the ethics of achieving it; a fruitless trip to Chile’s Cajon del Maipo; a first winter in Alaska’s fickle Chugach Front Range; and the spirit imbued into America’s penultimate frontier, the jagged, glaciated North Cascades.

The crisp quiet of a pre-dawn skintrack is peeking around the corner and that means the wilds things are too, wherever you plan to seek them. Once the wood is stacked, find a seat, flip a page and let us take you where the wild things are.
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Backcountry Magazine isn’t about defining boundaries, it’s about blowing them wide open. More people than ever are redefining their ideas of skiing and snowboarding, and Backcountry is their tool; a conduit and catalyst of the backcountry revolution. Each issue of Backcountry is packed with high-definition photography and stories, trusted avalanche safety skills and reliable, unbiased gear reviews. From freeskiing to touring, exotic destinations to backyard zones, the history of skiing to the cutting edge, we cover it all. In Backcountry, the possibilities are limited only by your imagination. Join us and imagine your Untracked Experience.

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