British Chess Magazine  |  September 2023
The September issue of BCM is out. Inside, you'll find a detailed report on the World Cup in Baku – from Magnus Carlsen’s victory to what other top players have shown and what the main games and surprises were. Read the second second part of our exclusive interview with Henrik Carlsen, where he shares the highs and lows of his son's world champion journey. Meet Steven A Jones, the surprising second-place finisher at the British Chess Championships who spoke to James Prat about how he approaches chess. GM Aleksandar Colovic writes on the outcome of the gripping cheating scandal involving Niemann and Carlsen. Plus, enrich your chess skills with expert opening advice,
challenging problems, and insightful endgame studies.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in British Chess Magazine September 2023.