Airliner World  |   July 2019
We’ve packed the July edition of Airliner World full of exclusive interviews and insights from some of the biggest names in the industry. This month we chart the transatlantic expansion of Canada’s WestJet as the carrier begins 787 services to Europe, we’re in Mauritius to speak with Air Peace’s CEO about its game changing E2 deal, and we sit down with Virgin Atlantic for an exclusive chat about its plans for its new A350-1000 flagship.
Other highlights include a rare glimpse behind the scenes with the emergency planning team at Air Partner, we take to the skies above the Philippines in former Swiss Avro RJ100s, we detail the remarkable work of Air Saint-Pierre, and we are on the ground in Glasgow for the Scottish city’s first scheduled A380 service.
Finally, we bring you our comprehensive coverage of worldwide news, including the first A330neo in the Americas, Air Astana’s new budget carrier takes flight, High Court backing for Heathrow expansion and all the details on a possible mega-merger in Canada.
We also have our regular sections covering the latest commercial aircraft acquisitions, up-to-date accident reports and developments from the world of aviation training and MROs.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Airliner World July 2019.